big happy family
under one roof

::my polariod with me behind the camera::

::lipei's polaroid with her behind the camera::
it was the best meal i've eaten for quite a while.
quite a long while in fact...
it was more than just dinner...
it was a feast,
it was a time when we finally sat down
together and interacted with one another.
koreans are not as scary as we thought they would be.
they were friendly, extremely nice and above all, understanding.
they were everything we could ask for
in a housemate, and more.
wishing they would stay with us till the end of the year....

::pic of lipei which i took with my camera phone::
the week was rough,
constantly bombarded with unfortunate events.
your eyes says it all...
tears have been shed...
sadness seeping through...
yet you are strong, yes you are.
i envy and respect you.
for in any given lifetime, i could never be like you...
so strong... so compose... still sane...
my shoulders are here for you to rest upon...
my shirt is here for you to wipe your tears...
my ears are here for you to vent at...
my hands are here for you to grab hold of....
it's the least i can do as a best friend...
you have done your best.
you are not to be blamed for everything that's happened.
so cheer up, for the end is still far ahead.
remember, i'm just a few steps away when you need me.
and we always have our santuary,
our safe-haven,
our St Jeromes.

::i miss home... taken by my dear2::
i'm counting down the days
till i can finally hold you in my arms...
you said that i am the best thing
that has ever happened to you.
it means so much to me for you to say that...
my heart's overwhelmed with sheer joy.
and just so you know,
you are the best thing that has ever happened to me as well.
you only bring happiness to my life.
and though we are so different in characters,
you are still the one for me...
i cant wait till we have "zero"...
i love you so much...
so wait for me...
anime freaks of the world unite!
on my right column, i have added some links tosome of the animes that i have been watching.
and trust me, they are good.
i dun watch crappy stuff. (dear2, i really dun!)
they are highly recommended by me.
ergo proxy is a very new anime that kinda resembles ghost in the shell.
so if you like ghost in the shell, do check ergo proxy out.
fantastic animation and highly detailed illustrations.
love the main character!
i personally love eureka seven a lot!
(that explains it being on top of the list)
it's a combination of surfing(!!!), robots and a whole lot of character development. excellent!
Blood+ has some serious kick ass story and characters.
i love the sondtrack! especially the opening theme for it's second season.
it's called "season's call" by HYDE.
ichigo marshimaro? seriously, you have got to watch it.
dun let it's look deceive you. extremely worth-while.

::red bull usually does the trick... though i wouldnt wana completely rely on it::
getting myself in order.
major projects are piliing in.
though i've been given weeks to complete them,
with my procastination, sleepiness and constant day-dreaming,
i might still find it difficult to keep up.
wake up dylan, wake up.
for time waits for no man...