sun, sand and another interview
the sun is up

::took this picture while sun tanning with lipei at Bondi Beach::
the sun is up.
literally and figuratively.
after a disastrous interview last week,
i pretty much lost hope in the design studio i applied for.
i would be lying if i said i didn't feel a tad upset.
(i was devastated to be exact)
but yesterday, i received a miraculous email from the creative director!
she emailed me asking if i could drop by the studio for a second interview with the Managing Director.
i flipped, literally.
i was thrilled!
i was extremely grateful to God that he had answered my prayers and granted me a second chance.
never in this world would i ever have guessed i'd be given another chance to prove myself again.
i needed the comeback badly; i needed to redeem myself.
dressed in my finest suit, i went for the interview earlier today.
the MD was very approachable, as with the rest of the staff.
i went through my portfolio with him, and at the end of it,
he said that he liked my thought process and though i still had a lot to improve upon, he seemed interested in me.
after he left, the CD continued to talk to me.
she said that she'll put me on a 3 days trial next week, and i will be paid at freelance rates. if everything goes well, i should be able to be a permanent staff.
i was extremely happy!
i am one step closer to my goal.
from what i know, design studios don't normally issue trials to potential candidates.
they either hire them, or they don't.
so i'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing.
but what i do know is that, i've been given another chance to prove myself,
and i pray really hard i'll be able to leave them a good impression next week during my trial.
they are after all a very established company that is expanding and doing really well in the design field.
it would be such an honor to work with them.
and in a Devil-Wears-Prada kinda fashion, if i stick it out with them for the next 2 years, i'll be able to get any design job i want in the future.
simply put, a million designers would kill for this job.
so i pray real hard i don't fuck it up next week...
i have another interview this coming friday.
it's a fashion based design firm, so that'll be really exciting!
so if eff it up on my trial, at least i have a back-up plan to fall on.

::the one and only Bondi Beach. such a pretty sight. took this pic when we just got off the bus::
and yesh! today, the sun was shinning brightly and the weather was absolutely perfect!
26 degrees!!!!
omg, i long for summer badly, so this was a preview of what the weather could be at the end of the year.
to celebrate the fabulous weather and the interview,
lipei and i headed to the one and only Bondi Beach!!!!!!!!!!!
we had so much fun!!!
i think i'll let the pictures do the talking.

::lipei and i enjoying the sun. it felt more like summer rather than spring, which is great!!!::

::erm... me and my new shades::

::i took this picture when a group of guys walked past us. i like this pic a lot::

::lipei and i made a sand turtle. she forced me....::

::just look at what lipei is doing...::

::i played no part in this! it was all lipei's doing! so embarrassing...::

::after spending 3 hours under the sun, we washed up and then had FRIED MARS BAR! yeah you heard it right, fried chocolate mars bar! it's awesomely awesome! i'm still puzzled why lipei doesn't know how to use a fork...::
wana thank everyone again for their kind words.
it made me feel better.
well, that's all for now.
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