i heart melbourne
will and grace

::pic of lipei and i while waiting for the tram. this is by far the best pic of us together. to set the mood for fashion week, we decided to pose like models. you know... the cold, we-are-fabulous-dun-mess-with-us kinda look. :) anyway, love this pic a lot, especially the colours ::
living the lives of Will & Grace.
this is the kind of relationship lipei and i
have developed over the years we have been in melbourne.
if you have watched the tv series,
and you know us in person,
you'll totally agree that i'm very much the character Will, and lipei as Grace.
firstly, i'm aj. (just like Will)
and secondly, i'm the controlled guy that makes sure
everything doesnt go overboard.
lipei is the big curly hair girl (just like Grace), who's nothing but fun and laughter;
basically, a free-spirited girl.
i have my own apartment, and lipei crashes into mine for a month.
(that happens exactly in the tv series)
and when she moved out a couple of weeks back,
she still stays over at my place and we hang out everyday, just like Will & Grace.
a lot of things that happen in Will & Grace would somehow happen to us as well.
we are each other's support, like in Will & Grace.
we have this mutual understanding for each other, just like Will & Grace.
everytime we watch Will & Grace together,
it's like watching a reflection of us on the small screen.
so lipei, you will always be my Grace.
and i'll always be your Will. :)
i know its been a while since i last updated.
august has been really eventful for me.
and it seems it's not slowing down for the month of september!
before you scroll down and view the pics,
i better write everything that i have to say first.
cos there are over 80 pics in this entry, and by the time you reach the bottom,
i dun think any of you would care about reading the last bits.
can you imagine?! 80 pics in an entry!!! has anyone ever put that many
pics in a single entry?
to fauzi,
hey, cant wait for you to come here (melbourne) and
spend your holidays with me. (and of cos lipei)
there are so many places i wana take you to.
so better prepare yourself!
after being in melbourne for a couple of years,
i have truly grown to love melbourne very much.
in fact, i'm loving melbourne more with each passing day.
as you scroll down and view all the pics,
you'll realised that there's always something to do in melbourne.
new places to explore,
new gallery openings to attend,
new restaurants to dine in,
concerts after concerts to scream about,
parties after parties to go crazy about...
you'll never get bored of the city.
it's full of life here.
and i'm really enjoying my stay here.
i'll miss melbourne terribly when i go back.
but i'll always know that melbourne will welcome me back with open arms.
and who knows, i might find home here one day...
yes... warning... a lot of pics are being uploaded in this entry.
so pls be patient and wait for them to upload.
there are still a hundred more pics to upload.
and i'm not kidding about the number.
there are still a lot of pics i took in singapore that are not uploaded here yet.
so be patient and i'll upload them in the next couple of entries.
in the mean time....

::the Motorola Melbourne Spring Fashion Show. took this picture during the second show::
Fashion Show
The Motorola Melbourne Spring Fashion Week just came to an end.
this was one event i have been waiting since the begining of the year.
it is THE event for me!
afterall, my life revolves around fashion and the fashion shows.
i attended 2 out of the 4 shows.
too bad i couldnt get tickets for the last show...
but we had fantastic seats!!!
third row from the runway.
all thanks to me of course! heee...
before the fashion shows, many outfits were scouted.
finally settled on 2 sets of clothes.

::lipei in her gorgeous outfit! the pic doesnt justify the fabulous-ness of the outfit::

::lipei and i all dressed up for the fashion show::
for the first show, (titled Style Wars)
danny, lipei, devi, bus, kathy, michael and i attended the event.
i wore:
white shirt ($60) with fabulous gold cufflinks ($50),
a gold slim tie ($50),
Nudie thin fin jeans ($210),
converse shoes ($70, yesh i finally bought a pair of shoes for the event),
a black trench coat ($250),
and i carried a gold men's purse and wore gold ear studs.
i love gold so my attire was basically gold and black.
lipei wore green and gold that night too, so it was great
that we complimented each other. :)
lipei, you were absolutely gorgeous that night!
and so were devi and kathy!!!
during the show, fashion labels Kate Hurst and Friedrich Gray shone,
with fabulous outfits and shoes.
Alpha60, Claude Maus and TV were great as well.
Romance Was Born ended the show in a funny but entertaining way
with 3 pairs of wedding outfits. 2 straight couples and 1 gay couple. :)

::when stepped into the Melbourne Town Hall, you are greeted by make-up booths. the whole setting for the show is so glamorous::

::closer look at the make-up booths::

::pic taken during the first show (Style Wars)::

::michael, bus, kathy, devi, me and lipei at the Fashion Show After Party. deeny couldnt join us for the after party cos he has an exam the next day::

::gorgeous devi and i toasting::
the second show, (titled The Looking Glass)
i wore a thin strip shirt from RDX ($90),
a Jacket from RDX ($120),
an ultra slim tie ($50),
Nudie thin fin jeans, converse shoes and my gold man's purse.
this second show was so much better than the first one.
i love the clothes from Aurelio Costarella, Anna Thomas and Nevenka.
the rest like Husk, Christine and Jayson Brunsdon were amazing too!

::lipei and her gorgeous tube dress::

::me trying to pose. i had a long day before the show... ::

::as i have mentioned before, you got to be there to fully experience it. it's extremely glamorous::

::model wearing clothes by Anna Thomas::

::model wearing clothes by Jayson Brunsdon::

::model wearing clothes by Aurelio Costarella::

::models wearing clothes by Aurelio Costarella::

::this is how gorgeous the models are. this pic shows the screen beside the runway. lipei, denny and i particualrly love this model::
going to a fashion show is really exciting.
the atmosphere, the gorgeous crowd, the cameras clicking,
the models strutting down the runway and posing, the after party...
it's really different from watching fashion shows on tv.
and not forgetting, australian models are gorgeous!!!

::look at how beautiful the threater is! this is where we watched the film Paprika during the Melbourne Internation Film Festival::
Film Festival
there was the Melbourne International Film Festival.
as with any other years, lipei and i watched 2 films.
the first was Day Watch.
we watched the first one, Night Watch, 2 years back, our first year in melbourne.
so it's fantastic that we caught the sequel during our third
and fianl year here in melbourne.
the special effects in Day Watch is spectacular!
nothing short from the first film.
the story can get a little confusing and i wished there was more character development.
the concept's very original and interesting, but lacks substance.
however, overall, it's still worth catching the movie.
i just cant wait for the third and final installment.

::a shot of us just before the show started::
the second film we watched was Paprika, a japanese anime movie.
visuals and artwork are amazingly detailed.
story is confusing and needs a little more explanation.
but still a good movie nonetheless.

::our tickets for Gwen Stefani and Bob Dylan's concert!!!::
lipei and i attended Gwen Stefani and Bob Dylan's concerts.
2 concerts.
1 word.
lipei and i were very fortunate!!!
during Gwen Stefani's concert, she came over to our seating area!!!!!
lipei stood beside Gwen Stefani while i was just behind her!!!!
and i touched her!!! i touched Gwen Stefani!!!
overall, the concert is one of the best i've ever attended.
the props, the costumes, the band, the music...
if any of you guys ever get the chance to watch Gwen Stefani perform,
please do not hesitate to get the tickets.
it's worth every cent!

::this is why we have the BEST SEATS!!!! Gwen Stefani was at our seating area!!! i was directly behind her!!!::

::damn the girl's mobile phone... or i'll be getting a great shot of Gwen Stefani::

::this is why Bob Dylan's concert is awesome! look at the crowd!! look at how grand it is!!! i love this pic very much! ::
Bob Dylan is a legend!
yesh he's old and his songs wouldnt be appreciated by many youngsters these days.
but lipei and i really enjoyed his concert very much.
he's amazing! you have got to be there to fully appreciate his music.
he is, afterall, a legend!
i'm glad that i went.

::the stage at Bob Dylan's concert::

::this is a blurry shot of us just before the concert. i'm wearing the green Bob Dylan's Bandana. lipei's wearing the Bob Dylan concert T-shirt::

::Bob Dylan's concert program::

::LOOK! my name's on the cover!!! heeee.... ::

::lipei and i can be very crazy at times... this is us lying on the ground of an overhead bridge after Bob Dylan's concert. people were walking pass us.... but we didnt really care ::

::no matter how crazy we are... we still have each other::
next concert lipei and i will be attending is Snow Patrol!!!

::this shot was taken outside the National Gallery of Victoria. it's currently exhibiting the Guggenheim Collection::

::this is the State Library of Victoria::
there are many exhibition running in Melbourne at this point in time.
i went to the Guggenheim Collection Winter Masterpieces at the
National Gallery of Victoria.
works by 68 artists including Roy lichtenstein (i love!), jackson Pollock,
Mark Rothko, Andy Warhol and Cindy Sherman, were on display.
i went to the exhibtion twice, and i love it!
next i went to Famous: Karin Catt Portraits exhibition at
the State Library of Victoria.
i love this exhibition very much.
Karin Catt is amazing.
another exhibition lipei and i went was a graffiti exhibition by famous
graffiti artists all around melbourne.
artists like Reka, Phins, Dabs ete were on display.
the exhibition was held at Revolver, a club along Chapel Street.

::this is Revolver pub along Chapel Street. awesome atmosphere! i highly recommend the place. anyway, the graffiti exhibition is currently held here::

::just some of the pieces exhibited on the wall of the pub::

::more artwork at the other end of the pub. the artworks on display are amazing!::
Drinking sessions
erm... yeah i've been having a lot of drinking seesions....
but it's so much fun!
i dun think i will be able to upload all the pics from the parties here.
so i'll upload shirley's birthday party (the most recent event), the drinking/clubbing session my friends and i had at Cookies and Boulevard, and the other drinking session at Bimbos along Brunswick Street.
jennifer, if you are reading this, i'm sorry but your birthday party pics
will be in the next entry. :) we had a lot of fun at wagamama and Lavish ya. :)
shirley's birthday

::took this photo from the garden at the back of the house::
we had the birthday party at Akiko and Kumiko's house.
i love the house very much!
very homely and spacious.
and the party was awesome and fun!
almost everyone was there.
i'm really glad to have friends like them!
and if you are wondering why we are all in pink... well...
cos the theme is PINK!!!
this happens when girls organise events.

::this is the birthday girl, shirley. look at how shy she is :) happy birthday again shirley. glad that you enjoyed your birthday ::

::we had an A1 piece of paper pasted on the wall. everyone would draw something that would represent what shirley's world would be. the final result is an awesome piece of artwork. good job my fellow graphic designers!!!::

::not everyone is in the picture::

::jolina, jennifer, me and devi::

::we are definitely very pink! jolina's wearing a tutu. :) ::

::kumiko, jennifer, me and aaron in accending height. haaa! and we didnt even plan it!::

::me, shirley, nina and christa at the living room::

::me, devi, jennifer and michael, the fantastic (and fabulous!) four!!!::

::michelle and i at the kitchen. love your outfit, michelle!::

::post-fashion week fever!!! devi and i couldnt get enough of fashion week... so we decided to pose for the camera::

::jennifer, devi, me and akiko::

::steven, me, michael, sam and aaron. man enough to be in pink!!! hey... sam and aaron arent in pink...::

::michael digging for garbage after the party.... dun ask me why... haaa! ::
the group photos are with the rest.
so pls people, pls pass me the group photos
so i can upload it here. thank you very much. :)
after a stressful semester, it's time to wind down and head over
to the coolest pubs and clubs for drinks.
all of us went to Cookies, which is an awesome pub btw, for a hell of a good time.
we drank a lot... too much for some of us...
but heck! we need the drinks!!!

::steven, michael, michelle, me, jennifer and christa::

::jennifer, christa, shirley, me, nina, devi and kumiko::

michelle, michael and jennifer sharing a drink::

::me, michelle, aaron, michael and jennifer::

::fiona, christa, michelle, me, michael, ivan and shirley::

::me, akiko and jennifer::

::fiona, me, nina and kumiko::
Boulevard is a club along the Yarra River.
that night was asian night.
and by the time we got to Boulevard, most of us were
pretty high from the drinking session earlier on.
so yeah, from the pics, you can kinda tell that most of us are pretty drunk...

::group photo of us inside Boulevard::

::yup... pics of us drunk...::

::and here's another pic of us drunk... we get really huggable when we are tipsy...::

::another group photo of us in Boulevard::

::kumiko, devi and i::

::erm... i think the pic speaks for itself...::

::me, jennifer and ivan... the remaining survivors??... ::
seriously, the pub/restaurant is really called Bimbos..
nope, there arent any bimbotic blondes as waitresses serving us...
the mascot and logo has nothing to do with bimbos...
and no, it's not a gathering place for bimbos...
in fact, the mascot is a cute (some say it's scary) baby...
pls dun ask me why...
i'm just there for the awesome food!!! and drinks!!! and music!!! and of cos, company!!!
that night... we drank quite a bit... as usual...

::photo of us at Bimbos::

::michelle and ivan sharing a pizza while i'm just... yeah i'm just there... :P ::

::me, jolina and jennifer::

::me, fiona and danny::

::michelle sitting on jennifer's lap, while ivan and i lean in::

::group photo with all the girls... and me. heee... i'm such a lady's man... ::

::me and my two gorgeous girls, jennifer and devi::

::group photo of all of us there. the flash wasnt strong enough though::
Mics pics
basically, these are some random pics.
trying to upload as many pics as possible so that it doesnt pile up.

::roshan's boyfriend, roshan and i. roshan is an old friend of mine since JC, and i accidentally bumped into them after one of my drinking sessions. it's great to see her again::

::kenjee, lipei and i at Jeromes::

::lipei looking sexy and all::

::and me trying to act cute.....::

::lipei and i at Supper Inn in Chinatown::

::me, alvin and jared at Jeromes::

::me, lipei and denny at L'in Control for some late coffee::
and these are four of the many pics i took when i was back in sinagpore.
tons more to upload in the next entry....

::fauz and i at... erm... were we at Bishan? anyway, we were there to help out in the adventure race::

::me, fauz, suping and angelin at sentosa. it was fun! and we even brought champaign and martini glasses.... heee::

::the four of us at Arab Street sheesha-ing::

::thanks guys, for sending me off at the airport. appreciate that a lot::
wow, you guys have finally come to the end of this entry... phew!
it's pretty long eh?
meant to write more presonally stuff, but time is not on my side.
hope to do so soon.
i'll also be uploading some of my artwork in the next entry.
i'm very please with some of my illustrations and design work.
if you love fashion as much as i do,
look forward to that becos two of my works are fashion based! :)
in the mean time, take care and i'll try (no promise) to update this blog regularly.
and yesh... pestering me actually helps....
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
IM SO surprised to see this new entry!! sooooo many pictures~~~
woots had a great time viewing them.. jia you biscuit^^
At 4:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
you really touched gwen stefani?
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