i love...
my sydney life thus far

::pic of the Sydney Habour Bridge and Opera House. my current apartment is just 5 min away from where i took this pic. it's seriously very near the Habour brighe, and that's wat i like about Kirribilli. took this pic with the iphone::

::lipei and i taking a quick break at Hyde Park. i just love sitting on the grass watching the world go by. pic taken with the iphone::
almost 4 months have passed and sydney isn't as overwhelming as i thought it would be.
sure it's still Australia, but i personally feel it has a whole different culture as compared to melbourne.
i love melbourne.
i always will.
sydney... i'm slowly but surely appreciating it.
i do have to say,
i love my current apartment.
it's at Kirribilli and if you guys know where that is, you'll know it's a pretty area.
i love my walk-in wardrope! and the clothes in it. :)

::this is the pier that is just beside our apartment. i love the view. it was love at frst sight::
i love Crown street, Paddinton, Newtown, Bondi, Rhodes and Chatswood!
oh! and not forgetting the little pretty shop along Pitt Street called "Cupcakes on Pitt"!
i love cupcakes.
as the name implies, it sells extremely pretty and tasty cupcakes!
i love the sticky date and tiramitsu ones!
and to lipei and my surprise, they serve delicious soups too!
perfect for winter.
i love having hot soups on a cold winter day.

::lipei and i had tea and an apple crumble at "Coffee, tea or me". i love the tea cups. ::
lipei and i are still finding a perfect place to have fabulous coffees and cakes.
see, the thing is, sydney lacks the coffee culture melbourne is known for.
the cafes here serve pretty bad coffees and it's difficult to find
a nice cosy place like St Jeromes (Melbourne).
i love coffees. so it's important to find good coffees.
we did explore sydney quite a bit and Crown street is pretty cool.
"Kawa" is a great cafe where creative people gather and meet.
"Coffee, tea or me" has great fusion and herbal teas.
and Fifi-watever-the-rest-of-the-name-is looks great too.
what else is new?
i have a new imac, which i love.
a new purple psp, which i love just as much.
and a new iphone 3G...
seriously, the new iphone 3G is over hyped.
it's not flawless that's for sure.
there's quite a lot of things that you cant do with it.
and i'm still wondering why steve job would incoporate bluetooth into the iphone
when the only use for it is for a handsfree head set....
you cant even transfer data or pics with bluetooth.... i find that ridiculous...
and i hate the fact that you gota do everything through itunes...
and come on! i wana customise my ringtone!
you cant customised ringtones becos firstly, you need to purchase songs from itunes.
secondly, only America itunes store can customise ringtones becos of overseas copyright issues...
so for us in Australia we have to wait for the Australian itunes store to be updated.
and singapore... well... let's just say singapore doesnt even have a Singaporean itunes store to begin with...
i love apple.
but i dun love the iphone 3G.
i may like it... but i dun love it.

::pic of me at Crown Street::
anyway, life on the whole is still fabulous.
i have lipei with me so how bad can it be right? :)
i'm being a little more thrifty and trying to spend less on clothes.
it's difficult.
it's the closest i'll ever get to cold turkey.
i love clothes.
i love bags.
i love fashion.
i'm missing my family back home.
i love my mum.
i wish she could join me here in sydney so i can bring her around.
i love my niece too.
and i wish i could be there to see her take her first step.
i miss the times i had when i was back in singapore in may/june
and i love the times we had, fauz. so take care and will see you soon!
i think i've written enough for the day.
it's 3am. i better get some rest.
and yesh... i lovveeeee sleeping.
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