to my precious Zoe
Happy Birthday Zoe!

::not her most recent picture. zoe's just so cute!!!::
i have never liked kids.
i find them noisy, annoying and extremely needy.
and well... kids don't seem to like me very much either.
there's just no chemistry between us whatsoever.
i guess... the feeling's mutual.
but i love my niece, Zoe, very very much.
and for the first time, i can finally understand why couples would want a child(children) of their own.
Zoe is probably the closest i'll ever have to having my own child.
i think about her all the time.
i think about whether if she's walking now, whether if she's speaking now, whether if her teeth have started growing out and so on.
sometimes when i'm out shopping, i find myself unconsciously wandering and pacing around the kids department, browsing through all the adorable outfits for her and wondering which one would go well for what occasion.
i have a picture of her clearly displayed on my table.
looking at it everyday makes me wana hold her tight and kiss her on the cheeks.
it constantly reminds me of her infectious laughter, which never fails to lift up my spirit. or her big bright smile that says everything is gona be alright.
my brother recently sent me an updated picture of her.
she's grown so much in just 2 months...
i cant believe she has started calling my bro and charlotte "papa" and "mama"!
she's still as adorable as ever and smiling as always.
it kills me that i cant be there on her 1st birthday party.
i really wish i could jump on a plane right this minute and see her.
i just pray that i'll not miss anymore of such occasions.
because i want to be an uncle who will be there for her.

::i drew her a birthday card. this illustration was the outer cover that wraps the birthday card. i spent the whole morning drawing 12 different kinds of cupcakes to make this wallpaper. thank God i love cupcakes, or i'll go crazy drawing each one of them::
Happy 1st Birthday my precious Zoe!!!!!!
have a fantastic and joyous birthday!!!!
uncle dylan will be back as soon as i can to see ya.
*Zoe turns 1 on the 7th of September. Celebrations would be held on the 6th.*
i cant really upload the picture of the main card becos i drew a character from my "upcoming" children's book, and didnt wana have any copyright issues. i might be able to post it in the future. for now i've just shown it to fauz, lipei, ben and of cos my brother. they love it to bits. so that's good enough. :)
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