we are beautiful
say cheese!

::pics of lipei, jen and i::
it was close to impossible trying to sqeeze the 3
of us into the instant photo booth.
flashed... and then flashed again...
2 shots were all it took to blind us.
we waited excitedly for the photos to be developed.
it pretty much reminded me of the lovely french movie Amelie.
when the photo strip dropped into the slot for collection,
we snatched it out of it like a bunch of excited kids who just
won a soft toy from the toy-catcher machine.
it was just beautiful.
not that we looked great,
but it was the warmth,
the laughter,
the smiles,
the friendship,
the 3 of us,
that made this picture so beautiful...
i'm so gona miss you guys next year...
logos, logos, logos...
logos are not my forte...
that is something i have to admit.
i could only worry,
i could only stone,
but on my sketch pad was a bunch of useless designs.
they were either cliche, inappropriate or just plain U.G.L.Y.
i know i'm giving myself unneccessary pressure,
but i cant seem to relax...
i had my consultation with 3 of my tutors today.
i feel a little better.
i feel a little relax.
but i still have more sketches to do.
next week's submission so i dun have much time at hand.
pray, pray, pray...
all i can do is pray.

this is something i came up with for my typography assignment.
the brief requires us to use an OLD STYLE ROMAN typeface
and our initials to create an expressive interpretation of the
decorated letter.
only greyscale.
utilise only photocopiers, hand generated imagery and collage.
it should also be a representation of who we really are
based on the design.
i had a bit of fun doing this one.
old style roman is a serious, classic kinda type.
wat i did is to convert it into a more light-hearted, modern, kidish feel.
i used my initials, D and K, and made it into cute aliens in a space ship.
i know very well it's not something i would normally do.
i was testing waters.
but seriously, this design really do represents who i am.
close friends who see this can really relate to me.
no, not because i behave like an alien,
but that i love cute stuff,
and this design is just... kawaii!

i wana say thanks to michelle for her invite to her birthday bash.
i really love the design of your invitation.
it's really funny, and yeah, your birthday party would be a blast.
just trying to imagine everyone in tribal clothes....
i was able to retrieve back my photos i took last year for my photomedia.
and i may just upload them here. :)
i love you.
i'm thinking of you.
and i'll hug you like no tomorrow.
i long for the day when i can finally be in your arms.
your arms around my waist,
my head resting on your shoulder,
and you whispering sweet nothings into my ear...
i'm already a happy man having you in my life.
but we are never contented with wat we have...
we constantly long for more...
i look forward to living with you.
that'll make me happier,
and for once, be contented.

good news for lipei.
it's NEGATIVE!!! :)

we are currently in urgent need of a house mate.
this is our advertisement.
it pretty much says it all.
designed by lipei. :)
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