heavenly St. Jeromes
heavenly place

::pic of the interior of St. Jeromes::
in the heart of the city,
along a narrow, dodgy, shabby lane with walls
painted with glorious beautiful spray paint art,
and the path littered with rubblish and dirt,
leading towards a worn down place i call St. Jeromes.
this place attracts not because of it's high
cost instilations, but rather, quite the opposite.
it's low cost interior includes seats made of
milk crates and furniture that were probably
gotten from the salvation army.
and with that, all coffees are charged at
an unbeatable price of $2 and they make
the best toast! great music in the background
as you sip your well-made coffee.
i love St. Jeromes, our "yum char" place.
it's the coolest place, ever!
i missed this place when i was back home...
did i mention the unisex toilets?

::pic of the ceiling in St. Jeromes::

::pic of the bar in St. Jeromes with the
extremely gorgeous waiter::

::mocha coffee and toast::

::graffiti on the way to St. Jeromes.
i love this one!::

::graffiti on the way to St. Jeromes::

::graffiti on the way to St. Jeromes::
school's just around the corner,
and that's the whole reason i'm here in melbourne.
but i'm scared. i have this anxious feeling and i
cant seem to understand why i'm feeling that way.
i hope i do well this year. i really hope i do!
i wana do as well as i did last year, if not better.
i wana prove my worth.
i wana show everyone that i'm good in wat i do.
if i cant even do that, then i'm useless...
the day was cold due to the rain.
i'm starting to remember how
freezing cold it was during winter...
before it comes i need to derive a plan
to esacpe the harsh weather...
i'm not a bear... and i'll probably
have a huge terrible headache when i wake
up from all that sleep...
wear more thicker clothes?
there's only so much you can wear.
and i fear looking like the elephant man...
tell the weather to heat up a little?
i dun think the weather would listen to me,
considering i insulted the weather the
other day because i was soaked from
head to toe by the heavy downpour.
(i mean, could you blame me?!)
hmmm.... how about...
begging my mum to allow me to go back
to singapore during my winter break?
sounds like a better plan... you think?
well i guess this way i dun hafta
bathe with hot water all the time. :)

hey dear2, remember the strawberry chocolate
with the "kawaii" design on the package we used
to buy at P.S. 7eleven? well i managed to get them
here at the asian grocery store.
but the package is a little different from the ones
back home. see... the little 2 "kawaii" characters
are not found on the front of the box.
only one of them is located at the back of the box.
but anyhow, i cant wait to eat the little
"well-made" chocolates. :)
it reminds me of you.
it reminds me of the times we went to X-square
and play TOPSPIN and SHREK on X-box...
it reminds me of how we steals kisses while playing.
the good old days...
i miss you terribly.
you are a man of few words,
but with all the right ones.
"dont cry... u can only cry when ur with me...
so i can wipe ur tears away.. ok..?"
you are definitely the one for me...
i'm a little pissed with the whole phone line issue.
blame it on bad luck?
or the inefficient people in ARROW?
watever the reason, the earliest it'll be
up is on monday.
furious if it gets delayed again...
speechless if the phone line's permenantly spoilt...

::pic of lipei playing the guitar on the second floor.
i just love my apartment!
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