i made it!

::pic of me on the steps that lead to my apartment::
the pounding of my heart...
the gasping for breath...
pupils dilating...
sweaty palms...
nauseous on the verge of a black out...
all these while trying to act calm and compose...
taking a deep breath once again,
i attempted a simple yet almost impossible act; a reply...
"yes, i would like to take up the job offer."
"great, we would like you to start asap, so come down on Tuesday to sign the contract etc...", the creative director said.
"sure." i replied, with a big smile on my face.
and with that, i finally landed my first job, ever!
1 application,
2 interviews,
3 days trial,
a young lady to compete with...
and God knows how many applicants later...
i got the job!!!!!
i got the job!!!!!
it sure feels like american idol...
selections, perform, judge, winner.
let's not forget all the waiting in between.
the path that led me here was long and winding and emotionally draining.
it was everything BUT easy!!!
and i can safely say that it's definitely harder to obtain than most jobs out there.
i really had to earn it, prove myself, and rise above the rest to obtain that 1 position.
finally, a sign of relief.
i was so close to declaring myself bankrupt...
finally i dun have to rely on my parent's fund anymore. :)
i'm hoping that my future entries wouldn't be centering over one topic: work.
i'll make sure that i wont be a slave to my work.
got to make sure that i dun think about work when i knock off.
and got to make sure that i have loads of fun during the weekends.
i'll try, but no guarantee. :P
ok enough of me!! (then again, it's my blog...)
took some pics so decided to upload them here.
there are still tons of pics to filter and upload.
so be patient while i get to them...

::lipei and i went to this cafe called Pablos Vice at Crown street. i love this cafe cos firstly, the food is delicious, secondly, it's relatively cheap, and thirdly, it has this awesome vibe. i love just sitting along the pavement, sipping coffee and eating my breakfast while we watch the world go by. it's the aussie version of a road side kopitiam. :) love it! ::

::took this pic of lipei while we were having lunch at Lavender Bay. i love this area because they have great restaurants, a very cute bookstore and a stone throw away from the view of the opera house. gota love lipei's beehive!::

::took this pic of ben at Newtown. luv luv luv Newtown. it reminds me of Brunswick st in Melbourne; very bohemian, grungy, artistic. the very definition of non-commercialization. love the shops here and every saturday, there's a small art flea market::

::this is another pic i took while walking around Newtown. there's a canvas painting leaning against a painted wall. and you'll see many of such art work as you walk along King St, Newtown::

::pic of pedro and lipei. the three of us were chilling at pedro's apartment after having cakes and coffee at the nearby Kirribilli Cafe::

::my next door neighbour's cat. he's called tyson and he has a sister. very adorable cats. they like to come to our apartment every chance they get::
wana thank everyone for their well wishes!
i appreciate it a lot!!
also wana tell fauz, ping and angeline that i wana go "Mustafa-ing"!!! :P
and i miss playing monster hunter with you guys!
yesh... i miss singapore a lot.
that's all for now!
At 11:23 PM,
Unknown said…
Hey! Congratulations!! =)) Really happy for you and hope everything goes smoother from now on! Gone with the days of not knowing which day it actually is, and Hello to monthly pay cheque that you can actually spend w/o thinking twice! =0
We miss you here too! *HUGS*
At 4:52 PM,
deelearn said…
thanks!!! i totally agree that with the part about being in limbo and not knowing what day it is.
i seriously cant wait for my first pay cheque!
so many stuff i wana get!!!
i hope you are doing great in singapore!!!
At 3:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
im so happy for you woots ^^^
cant wait to hug u again when u get back! woah^^
At 7:09 PM,
deelearn said…
thanks jenn!!! :D
cant wait to catch up with you when i get back!!
hope all's well with you. :)
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