
::pic of the new me::new semester,
new perceptions,
new resolutions,
new life,
new appearance,
new me.
the ever changing facet of
my mind, body and soul.
embracing a whole new experience in a
not so new environment.
a new begining headed by
a step towards something... great,
i suppose, i hope... i know.
but one thing's for sure,
nothing's ever gona be the same again.
with that, it's only appropriate to change
the whole design for my blog,
since afterall, this blog somehow represents who i am.
so what you see here is my new blog design.
right before your eyes is a visual representation
of who i am right now.
a totally new look, created entirely by me.

::pic of my old blog design. if you think there is no difference, then you are totally deluded...::with comparision to the old design,
you can see that my right wing(which is your left)
is the same as that of the old design.
the right wing represents the old me.
the old me that is carefree, passionate,
happy, optimistic, cheery, bubbly,
easily excited, always smiling,
expressive, caring, friendly,
not afraid of pursuing stuff,
dedicated, fun, loving, fearless...
the "prefect" me.
to me, butterflies represented these qualities.
therefore, these qualities are further enhanced
by the butterflies behind the right wing.
you would notice that a new wing is
forming on my left shoulder.
however, it is currently deformed.
it represents my current growth in life,
that i'm still learning to live...
learning to be a better person,
learning to overcome obstacles,
trying to get back to where i used to be,
and even exceling from there.
the graphic curves behind the left wing
represents the uncertainty in me,
and the fear that i have towards the future.
the curves give a sense of a mysterious aura...
not too sure if it's a good or bad thing,
only time will tell...
there are quite a few additions to this blog as well.
on my right column, there is a
"albums dylan currently listening on his ipod" section,
an update on my next flight details, a few link banners
and a disclaimer.
butterflies are also used in the design of the lists.
and a new footer banner. (below the page)
no new user pic, but that's not important.

::pic of fauz's blog banner::

::pic of fauz's blog footer banner::i recently redesigned fauz's blog.
click hereit was a gift for him for being there for me
all this time while i was back in singapore.
(see, if you treat me nice, i might be nice
enough to design your blog banner for you)
i asked him to give me 5 colours that he likes.
purple, green, red, blue, turquoise.
with that, i took all five colours to design
his banner. the banner had to represent him
in every aspect, if possible.
fauz is a cheerful guy that makes everyone
around him cheery with his infectious laughter and smile.
this cheerful aura is represented by the wavy purple
shapes that emerges from him.
i constantly went back to him for his own personal imput.
he wanted feathers in the background.
and asked me to avoid pastel colours as he didnt like them.
the result is this banner you see.
i went ahead to do a footer banner for him.
this banner can be found at the bottom of his blog.
(i have a footer banner myself, in case you guys
were too lazy to scroll down the page)
i drew a trucker cap, which he wears all the time,
and added elements from the main banner so
that there is a consistancy in the overall design.
i thought the footer banner looks better than the main
banner.. in fact, i personally feel it better represented
who fauz really is...
but anyhow, he loves the end result,
and that's all that matters.
new resolutions:-eat like no man has ever eaten
-working out to be fit
-excel in my academic results
i have been working out for the past 4 weeks,
and my sheer patience and hardwork has paid off.
i'm hoping to continue with my work out regime.
what can you guys expect from this blog?well, i'm hoping to update my blog regularly.
2 times a week, or once a week the very least.
having to post an entry means i have set aside
time to do some self reflection. i need to strike
a balance between work, play and personal time.
i'm also hoping to introduce more of my own
works in this blog. this way, people would have
an idea of what i do, or am capable of doing.
i'll also continue to post my personal inner thoughts.
afterall, this blog is where my inner thoughts reside.
and of cos, expect loads of pictures to be posted
in the next few entries. i have tons of pictures
that were taken during my trip back and i have yet
to filter them out... argh...
i recently helped to design a logo for a group of
people. they are a group of people whose main
intentions are not to be taken lightly.
the empowerment of youths,
teaching youths to be leaders,
making a difference in their lives etc etc.
i admire and totally support such groups.
though i didnt expressed it in person,
i was really happy with the overall design.
it was a definite challenge considering the
short amount of time given to produce a logo.
more will be elaborated another time.
but i just wana say it again,
i'm really proud of what i came up with.
a definite moral booster for me.

::pic of my BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN dvd::to make everyone in singapore jealous, (muhaha)
i bought a copy of the recently released
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN dvd in melbourne!!!!!!
this is one incentives for living in melbourne.
i get to purchase dvds that are not available in singapore.
anyway, after watching it a third time,
it has offically become my all time favourite movie,
ahead of my ex-all time favourite movie, AMERICAN HISTORY X.
i know of many who feels that though BROKEBACK is a
fantastic movie, it's not the kind of movie that they'll
consider watching again.
well... i'm not into hyped up movies as well.
and i'm definitely not the kind who would put an
overrated movie as my all time fav movie...
but.. wat can i say... BROKEBACK just touched my heart in
ways that others cant...
2 of the scenes i love most...
::when ennis discovers the shirts in jack's room, and starts to hug them emotionally...::
::back in ennis' own trailer, he buttons the shirt, says:i swear..., and then movie ends::have you had your brokeback?or as wat lipei would say, have you broke your back?
if you check out the movie's official website,
you'll know what i meant...
i had my brokeback experience...
it was 4 years ago...i think i've written too much.
but i hope you guys have read every bit of it.
cos every word that i typed comes straight from my heart...
i have quite a few people to thank.
but it's 5plus in the morning and
i dun think i'll be able to thank them properly
in my current state of mind.
so stay tune!!!
pictures taken from the special school, zouk, baybeats,
my dinner outings, polaroids etc etc
will be posted soon as well...
will try to update in 2 days time.