what would you do for society?
my gawd...

::pic taken at AWAA special school. these art works were made by the students. they are lovely and beautiful::
i never realised that i have tons of pictures
to post up... some of them dating all the way from june...
and i'm not sure if i can fit everything onto one entry...
guess i'll hafta split them apart.
for now, i'll post my earlier pics.
the rest will be posted in the later entries...

::pic of fauz and i at the swimking pool with the kids::

::my God bro, izad, and the kids::
on the 29th of june,
my God bro, izad, needed help in his special school, AWWA.
so fauz and i volunteered to help out with the kids.
it was an enriching experience.
the kids, though were playful at times,
were fun to be with.
many of us take our lives for granted.
we can walk, talk, eat, communicate
without much effort.
the trip to AWWA was a reminder to me,
that i should treasure watever i have,
that i should give my all to helping
others in need,
that i should thank God everyday for
giving me a healthy body to pursue
my dreams and goals.

::handprints and other art work done by the kids in class::

::fauz and ali. ali has difficulty finishing up his food... he's so cute. and i love this pic::

::izad and i::

::lesson in progess::

::pics of the kids getting splashed!::

::this is how much fun we had::

::izad and i::
my dear friends, if you think you have gone thru
the worst day of your life,
if you think life is worthless just becos you
broke up with your love one,
if you think life is meaningless becos you couldnt
get that prada handbag you always wanted,
if you think life is unfair....
well, count your blessings.
becos there are people out there who deserves
to live a healthy normal life.
when was the last time you've helped someone in need?!
when will you start giving back to society?!

::polaroid of coral, grace, gabby and i::
as always, i met up with gabby and grace,
not forgeting coral, whose shy with crowds.

polaroid of clement, kenny, vincent and i::

::the amount of food we ate.. and this is only our first serving....yesh, let your imagination run wild::
caught up with kenny, clement and vincent.
too bad alan couldnt make it...
we had a blast at SAKURA.
i think the amount i ate that dinner was
equvilent to one week's consumption!
a lot more pics coming soon...
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