dylan's napkin

the only person i need to be is myself because believing in myself never goes out of style!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

wished i was 15...

happy birthday

::a pic of my mum i took with my LC-A a long time ago::

it's your birthday and i wish
i'm there to celebrate it with you.
you mean the world to me
and i love you ma with all my heart.
wishing you good health.
wishing you joy.
wishing you love.
wishing you a fabulous birthday!
happy birthday ma.

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::a scan pic of the dvd "15::

i was fortunate enough to get
my hands on royston tan's
controversial film "15", here in melbourne.
a pity singapore's not able to sell
it's own home-made film....
i remember watching it a few years ago.
watching it again was a whole new experience.
i vaguely remember most of it.
but i enjoyed every bit of it.
"15" ia a fearless depiction of truanting, bullying,
body-piercing, self-harming, porn-watching,
drug smuggling, prostitution, crypto-gay bonding,
amateur rapping, fake tattoos...
royston tan confronts the reality of suicides
with wicked black humour and puts it all
in beautiful, lush, vibrant colours...
a provocative film exposing a gritty side of
modern-day singapore life that will
blow your mind away...

watching "15" only made me miss
singapore a whole lot more.
there was this scene which was filmed
at S21 bedok... i used to go there all
the time with my family on sundays.
and to see far east plaza, wisma,
orchard on the whole... man...
and the best part is, the last frame
of the movie was shot at tanah merah...
my gawd... tanah merah... home...
wat a way to end the movie...
fark... i miss home...

i had someone telling me
i'm no longer the dylan he used to know.
who is this "old dylan" anyway?
do i know him?
should i know him?
i have no recollection of this old dylan...
cheery, bubbly, easily excited, always smiling,
expressive, caring, friendly, passionate,
not afraid of pursuing stuff, dedicated,
fun, optimistic, loving, fearless...
i'm afraid you got the wrong person...
cos this dylan is none of the above...

i have this assignment titled "me myself i".
it's for my graphic design studio and
i'm to select 4 words from the dictionary
that decribes my personality,
making 4 postcards to visually interpret
these words...
my four words:
behaving in a way that shows you love someone
someone who dreams while they are asleep;
someone who has ideas or plans that are not
an emotional problem in which someone is
unneccessarily anxious about something or
thinks too much about something
a feeling of being lonely and unable to meet
or speak to other people

do these words reflect who i really am?

it seems unhappiness is set at default,
and only the occassional glitches or
virus attack would bring forth happiness.
in my experence happiness is not a
permanent state, but a number of
experiences that at one particular
moment satisfy us in such a way that
we call it happiness.
these moments can be long or
very short...

the month of may has arrived.
how would may fair?
i wana think that it would be fabulous.
but that can only be wishful thinking.

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::remember this pic we took behind hereen?::

my flight is set.
and i'm ready to jet.
7th of june, is when i head home.
less than a month,
and i'm feeling my heart pound.
not out of excitment,
not out of joy.
but out of anxiety,
but out of nervousness.
would you be there receiving
me with opens arms?
would you be there with
a smile across your face?
would you be there to hold
me and not let me go?
would you be there whispering
these words "i'm glad you're back"
into my ears...

"do not anticipate future unhappiness"
"take one day at a time"...
i wish that i would finally find out
what my destiny in life is, and that i
were able to fullfill that destiny.
cos right now, i'm in a lost....

there might be a chance i
would be going back to lomo-ing...
i.e. taking pics with my LC-A
or even holga. i'm even considering
buying myself a supersampler...
a camera which i have always wanted
for a very very long time...
(i would be a very happy person if
someone would like to sponsor...)
but it's all dependant on my situation,
and the timing as well...

pics i took with my v3i

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::sunset from my apartment::

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::pic taken at st jeromes::

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::pic taken in graphic design class. taj is busy drawing on his sketch book. sam's beside him, and he too is drawing...::

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::pic taken at MAMADUKES cafe. fiona and kumiko discussing about plans in winter. sorry girls, but as you know, i'm heading back to singapore.... so cant join you all...::

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:;lipei and i ready to head on to the market::

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::yup, our shopping envirobags are in check... ready for major grocery shopping::

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::pic taken at queen victoria market::

let me be happy...
is it so much to ask?


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