begining of fall
i'm back.

::polaroid of lipei and i drinking coffee below our apartment just before i left for the airport. i love this pic. it really shows us just being ourselves, and having a great time drinking coffee and enjoying each other's company::
school's finally over for now.
all my assignments and major projects
have been rushed and submitted on tue.
i barely had time to eat and sleep,
needless to say, have time to update
this blog of mine.
i had previously written a whole chunk of
stuff, ready to upload...
but due to my terrible tight schedule,
i couldn't... so i guess it isnt valid anymore.
the long flight back was horrible but
thankfully akiko was on the same flight as me.
at least i didn't hafta wait another 3 hrs for transit,
and another 6 hours plus to japan...
pity akiko... but hey, enjoy your holidays ya akiko,
and i'll see you next semester.

::polaroid of bob the blob, jolina, sam 'blob', me and terrance. glad to have bob the blob with us in this pic. he rarely takes pictures, so it's an honor::

::polaroid of sam 'blob', me, fiona, jolina and terrance, where were you earlier on fiona?::
the last week of school was surprisingly fun.
i'm fortunate to have classmates like them.
ever so entertaining,
ever so carefree and fun,
ever so lame(in a good way).
to sum up my semester:
tako yaki, mamadukes, leaving class early,
dozing off in lectures and tutorials,
anoother-bloody-water, cups and cups of
coffee, pin-ups and mock ups, sam strolling
into class after being late for an hour and half,
cracking lame jokes one after another,
terrance's IQ questions, priceless i-just-got-
out-of-bed look in the mornings, drawing weird
sketches in visual diaries, spotting eri's new
hairstyle everyday, bob the blob,
reggy-is-saffron's-mum shock faces,
surfing the net secretly while tutor is
teaching, bloody jade, blur michael... etc etc.
semester 1 of 2006, not to shabby. :)

::our favourite past time during class. terrance sleeping away while holding on to his pen and pretending to draw his sketches... it's not gona work terrance...never...::
spending $1000+ in one week would be
deemed retail obsession instead of retail therapy...
guilty as charge...
i have an addiction...
some people eat when they are upset...
i go for a full on shopping spree...
$215 on a pair of jeans,
$490 on dvds,
$100+ on my phillippe stark fossil watch,
$270 on t-shirts,
$78 on magazines,
$60 on a pair of shoes,
$45 on 2 pairs of havaianas flip flops,
unclosed amount on gifts,
unclosed amount on games lipei and i play. :)
my dad had better not see this, or i'll be killed.
what's up for the rest of my holidays?
i'm really not sure... nothing's been planned.
5 weeks, 35 days, 840hrs...
time's really not on my side.
i guess it'll be a period of rest,
a period of soul searching,
a period of getting everything in place.
simply put, i'll be very free.
i'm still going ahead with my plan to transfer
back to singapore to study next year.
i better get everything prepared for consultation
and possibly, interviews as well.
hoping to do student intern...
but i'm afraid with my short stay here,
it's gona be quite hard...

::pic of lipei and i at st jeromes. come on now, big smiles everybody::
to lipei:
you are my light,
my source of comfort,
my everything, emotionally, and life itself.
you are the definition of 'best friend',
the definition of 'soul mate'.
the definition of 'blur'....
if there's something i'd never regret going
to melb, it would be the moment we crossed
paths and forge this amazing friendship we have.
lips, eddie lee, hagi lee, oliver twist, alice, dorothy... :)
watever your name is,
you will always be the one i cherish with all my heart.
i'll miss you badly.
so you hafta come to singapore, and i'll go over to KL.
the deal is on.
take care in the mean time.
call me anything, and i'll do the same.
i'll be there for you 100%.
see ya soon.

::light and dark::

::scan pic of the cd lipei burned for me::
lipei burned me a fabulous CD.
i can never thank her enough for it.
the track list is awesome!
i absolutely love all the tracks in it!
and i love the CD face she had created.
it reads:
"Hear it with all your soul.
Close your eyes and let your heart sing.
Cherish every moment these songs bring you.
Don't and never spread them to people who
doesn't love it as much as you.
love lipei."
thank you so much for this CD, lips.
i've been listening to it all this while,
even right now while i'm typing this.
to rain:
i'm extremely sorry i couldnt call you before
you left for the states....
i feel so pissed with myself for not even saying
good bye to you on the phone...
there's so much i wana tell you...
there's so much i need to say...
but with that, you're already in the statesm
and i wont be able to see or talk to you
till the end of the year...
please take care of yourself,
please be safe.
have loads of fun,
take loads of pics.
you know i'll always try to be there for you.
you know you mean so much to me.
take care again, be safe again.
i'll miss you.
to jenn:
thanks for everything that you have done for me.
i really apreciate the things you wrote on both
your and my blog, as well as the smses
you sent to me.
very encouraging, very comforting.
and thank you so much for receiving me
at the airport. though you did say you wanted
to come, i really didnt expect you and bee chin
to turn up. your presence means a lot and i
appreciate that a lot.
we'll have coffee and dinner soon ya.
to terrance:
thanks for waiting with me in school on tues.
you didn't haf to but you did.
you had to run off to the city to print your
assignments but you chose to stay with me
to wait for saffron. thanks a million!
and enjoy your holiday!!!
to jolina:
advance thank you for picking up my assignments. :)
too bad i couldn't say good bye to you on tue.
you came too late. hee...
anyway, you enjoy your holiday and i'll see you
next semester.
and yeah, i'll get you something pink.
and thanks for all those who have welcome me back
either thru sms or msn. hee...
more pics taken with my V3i:

::pic taken during sunset on my way back from school. you can see the city::

::pic of the sounthern cross station::

::pic taken along richmond. it shows the yarra river and the city::

::jolina and i at south melbourne::

::lipei and i outside the arcade::

::lipei showing us the right way of tieing shoelaces::

::xianli and i at MEKONG eating dinner::

::fiona and i waiting for the bus::

::jolina and i::

::terrance and i posing. who's more good looking? hee... ok dun answer that! ::

::jared and lipei at st jeromes::

::lipei and i at the arcade waiting for our turns to play drum mania and guitar freak::

::who's dragon of heaven and who's dragon of earth? haa! lipei will know wat i mean::
those who are having exams right now, all the best!
those enjoying the holidays now, have fun!
i'll pray that this winter holiday would be a great one.
At 10:52 PM,
Gabrielle said…
You more handsome larrrr!!
Haha... Happi?
Hey u back in Spore already?
At 2:19 AM,
deelearn said…
haa! my gawd! lol
i'm blushing ya. muuhahaha
yeah i'm back in singapore already.
we should get together ya.
when your school start?
At 10:58 PM,
Gabrielle said…
sch starts july... i'll be free at night. :) anytime after 7pm.
At 12:53 AM,
deelearn said…
hey jenn,
thanks for the quote.
it's funny cos i'm not a fan of quotes, BUT somehow, your quotes make sense... your quotes get me nodding my head and saying, " i agree".
and sometimes, they comfort me.
so keep them coming...
in the mean time i hope to catch up with you before you go for your trip.
At 12:55 AM,
deelearn said…
hey gabbie,
yeah, when grace comes back from melb, we can haf dinner together. and then you can tell me more about your taiwan trip. hee...
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