what's up
hi my name is high maintainance...

::spongebob trying out nasi padang::
friends have cared,
friends have questioned.
the state of my mind,
the state of my physical body.
i am doing fine, thanks for asking.
i am doing alright, thanks for asking.
i appreciate the space you
guys have given me.
but surprisingly, i'm really doing fine. :)
managed to see stephanie, roger and huifong!my gawd, how long as it been?
it was great to see them doing well.
especially glad to see steph. was in fact thinking of
her just the other day.
and sham, thanks for inviting me out for drinks!
it has been ages since i caught up with you.
it's really nice to see you again.
it seems you are still very much in the scene eh.
take good care of your leg.
and sorry for not being able to attend the tarot party.
it would have been nice to dressed up
as a tarot card character. :)
zah, it was nice seeing you as well.
it seems both of us has changed quite a bit.
i cant believed we have known each other
for 6 years already! time sure flies eh...
it seems coming back hasn't stopped me from
my shopping addiction...
$43 on a topman polo shirt,
$15 on a tshirt,
$61 on bermudas,
$5 spongebob boxers,
$45 on movie tix,
$25 on a dvd,
$36 on 2 cds,
$52 on games and guide,
$188 on toys,
$62 on pre-orders,
unclosed amount on food.
unclosed amount on cab fares.
karma, the cause and effect...
somehow, i do believe in karma
to a certain extent...
that watever goes around,
would come right back at you.
or... am i confusing it with retribution?
i cant deny the fact that i havent been
the saintest of all people.
i know i have emotionally hurt people,
i know i have taken advantage of people.
i'm not perfect to begin with.
i know i make mistakes and seek forgiveness.
but sometimes saying sorry isnt enough...
lessons have to be learnt the hard way.
lessons have to be learnt the cruelest of ways.
i believe i'm serving my punishment now.
for all my wrong doings...
for all my devilish ways...
God is taking action.
and i'm readily accepting it.
but i hope God is fair and would also punish
all those who have emotionally hurt anyone
in any way.

::a scan of utada hikaru's new album. she is so gorgeous!!! i love her!::
i'm a huge gigantic fan of utada hikaru!
i'm thrilled her latest album, ULTRA BLUE, is finally out!
her songs are unique as ever.
beautifully written and composed.
not to mention her mtvs, they are just awesome!
outstanding tracks:
-this is love
-keep tryin'
-Making Love
-be my last
fans of hers would fall in love with her all over again.
do check out her new album. it's out in stores.

::a scan of royston tan's dvd. i love the cover!!! it speaks a lot::
all royton tan fans should get their hands
on his new dvd entitled ROYSTON'S SHORTS.
i've gotten mine. :)
the dvd includes award winning shorts like
(Best Short Film and Special Achievement Award,
13th Singapore Film Festival)
(The Voice Award, 1st Singapore Short Film Festival)
-Hock Hiap Leong
(Jury's Diploma of Merit Award,
32nd Tampere International Short Film Festival
International Jury Hononary Mention,
21st Uppsala International Short Film Festival)
(Official selection, Tous les Cinemas du Monde-
59th Festival de Cannes)
it also includes Jesses, 24hrs, The Absentee,
The Blind Trilogy, Careless Whisperer and New York Girl.
"i love your shirt."
cheesy pick-up line...
yes i was wearing a v-neck fcuk tshirt
that has "fcuk it" written on the front.
but seriously...
that isnt something anyone should say if
they wana impress me...
and what's wth the i-wana-eat-you stare?!
it gives me the chills...

::outside M.O.S.::

::Dennis hosting the event::
was invited to attend Fiat's launch party
at Ministry of Sound, which coincided with
FHM's top 100 sexist women.
i'm happy to see Denise Keller! :)
i have a plan.
i have preached it to some of my friends.
it's regarding organising an activity/program for
the HIV positive community.
so far i have received positive feedback.
i'm not sure how and when...
but i really hope it'll pull through.
maybe i'll wait till i return to singapore for good.
i just wana give something back to society.
to jenn:
enjoy your well deserved trip to taiwan!
happy shopping and eating!
to shaiful:
thanks for your care and concern.
thanks for being there.
i know i can count on you.
take care and hope to go JB wif you one day.
more pics taken with my V3i

::fauz and i at tampines mall::

::zah and i at LAU PASAR::

::i love the hawker center at bugis. the food's cheap and good::

::kai and i at starbucks. havent slept the whole night::

::fauz and i at plaza sing::

::sham and i outside whynot::
this song best decribes wat i feel in my heart...
※Be my last… be my last…
Be my last… be my last…
どうか君が be my last…※
With my hands With my hands
With my hands With my hands
私の手で be my last…
At 4:13 AM,
deelearn said…
thanks jenn.
your words never fail to touch me and make me feel appreciated.
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Keep up the good work
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