i came and i left

::lipei and i in melb. miss you so much lipei!!!
no! it's not true!!!
my blog is not dead yet!!
it's very much alive and kicking!
.............. ok.... it's dormant....
but like a volcano, it'll erupt,
and soon, there will be many many entries
to read and pictures to gawd at. :)
but for now,
this is another one of those very short, anti-climatic intermisson.
yesh yesh... i'm supposed to be updating this blog regularly...
i think i have accumulated hundreds of pics to upload...
and i'm not exaggerating at all...
i'm also suppose to redesign this entire blog design...
dun worry my friends, i will in due time!
for now, i'm just gona do an extremely ultra mega brief summary...
finished my assignments and handed them in on 15 june.
flew back to singapore that very day for my winter holidays.
caught up with some of my friends (there were quite a few whom
i still havent gotten the chance to meet up... sorry guys...).
had lots and lots of fun...
so much so that i didnt wana fly back...
but i have to...
i flew back to melbourne on the 15 of july for my last semester.
so here i am, in winter cold melbourne.... *shiver*
very brief eh? :)
details would be accompanied with pics,
so pls wait till the next entry.
for now, i wana thank these people who made
my trip back to singapore so enjoyable.
meow!!! thank you so much for everything.
i'm so happy to have you.
thanks for tolerating my nonsense
and being there for me always when i'm in need.
thank you so much for the food you cook.
i'm missing your tom yum badly!
and of cos all the shopping we did and the suppers
we had at simpang bedok.
thank you thank you thank you...
take care of yourself ya.
i miss you!!!
hey man,
you know your working schedule is cra-cra-cra-crazy!
so make sure you get enough rest.
and pls pls pls ride safely.
thanks for taking time off to catch up with me.
enjoy your trip to L.A.!
wo hen gao xin hui lai nen jian tao ni.
ok, i'll stop my han yu pin yin... muahaha
as i was saying, i'm glad to be able to catch up with you.
great that you're doing fine and all.
take good care of youself!
will catch up with you again year end.
i'm glad that i could be of a listening ear to you.
take good care of yourself.
and smile always! :)
it was so nice seeing you!
see you year end!!!
hey hey!
your company has always been fun and enjoyable.
the movies, the suppers, the shopping, the beach...
and savouring to fauz's delicious cooking. :)
cant wait to hang out with you again.
and thanks for sending me off at the airport.
appreciate that so much!
in the mean time, take care!!!
hey girl,
still very impressed/amazed with your IT skills...
maybe next time you can help me with my comp. :P
wana say thanks for your company and
it was fabulous hanging out with you.
hope you get your psp soon!
then can wi-fi and play together. :)
take care!
hey hey,
it's always a nostalgic feeling hanging out with you.
too bad grace cant join us.
anyway, all the best in watever you do.
take care and send my regards to desmond. :)
catch up with you again when i get back.
hey kenny!!!!
1 more year... just 1 more year!
wait... you are looking forward to graduating ya?
yesh... and next year i'll be joining you in hell....
ICT... fuck...
but anyway, great to meet up with you and the rest!
miss ya so much!!
next time you better follow me to you-know-where. :)
anyway, its great to see you, kenny and the rest.
all the best in your portfolio.
take care and i'll catch up with you when i'm back.
hey neighbour!
thanks so much for sending me off at the airport!
so envious you're back in sinagpore slacking and
enjoying your break...
but yup, you definitely deserve your break.
hope to catch up with you in melb in august.
in the mean time take care,
and pls pay simpang bedok(the eating place) a visit. :P
hey man,
thanks for introducing clique to me.
that's a really cool place to chill.
and thanks for asking my Godbro to join us for clubbing.
you are always so sweet.
do take good care of yourself.
will miss your company!
and to everyone else who i've met like fazli(my first Godbro), izad(my second Godbro), esen,
heed etc, thanks for everything. :)
and rain, i hope you are well in USA.
miss you loads!
ok ok, got to go now.
still got other stuff to do.
though i'm missing singapore terribly,
with lipei and the rest of my fabulous friends in melbourne,
i'll be soooo fine. :)