eternal assignments...
am i awake?

::asleep in dreamland::
i know i'm in serious need of an update.
and yesh, it's pretty obvious wat my reason would be.
it's my assignments...
if you guys have been msging me on msn,
you'll probably have a conversation like this:
you: how are you?
me: i'm doing alright... just busy
you: what have you been up to?
me: assignments
you: any plans for the weekends?
me: assignments... maybe a few drinks with friends.
you: ok... what are you doing right now?
me: assignments....
you: hmm.. it's pretty late...
me: yup... assignments...
you: so er... sleeping yet?
me: nope... assignments...
you: er ok, then i shant disturb you
me: assignments............
i'm left with just 2 weeks before my semester ends.
so you probably can imagine the sheer amount of work load.
and to make matters difficult, the final assignments are crazily challenging...
but you know, i'm pretty glad that the first half of third year is almost over.
time really flies eh? but then again, i've been thru so much to get here.
i'm more or less in a holiday mood already.
spending a lot of time outside having dinners and drinks.
and it's never too early for a beer. in aussieland that is.
beer for breakfast and lunch....
still trying to get accustomed to that though.

::the 6 of us discussing our assighment in the studio::
for one of my final assignments,
we were asked to be grouped into groups of 5 or 6.
i'm really happy to work with these group of friends.
everyone's doing a great job with what they are tasked to do.
everyone's putting in a lot of effort into this group assignment.
we have a lof of fun as well.
each meeting is such a joy!!!
we would eat, drink, gossip and joke around a lot.
but the best part is that we DO get the job done.
love them loads.
thanks jennifer, fiona, michelle, michael and ivan.
let's get everything done for the presentation!!!
we'll do great!
pictures of my other assignments would be posted
in later entries. i dun really have the time to
convert them into jpegs for uploading.
but i'm really please with my designs.
so do drop by to check it out next time. :)

::my logo after vectorizing my sketches::
i've finally done a personal logo for myself.
the idea behind it?
well... i know personal logos should reflect who i am.
but i've been drawing this character a lot for no reason
in my sketchbooks and for other people for a very long time.
i like it a lot. so i've decided to use it as my logo.
so yeah, you'll see it on my pictures and works from now on.

::the movie posters for 盛夏光年, eternal summer::
once in a blue moon,
out of no where,
when you least expected,
a film appears and sweeps you off your feet
with its touching story, beautiful cinematography,
engaging characters, heartfelt soundtrack....
you feel in love...
you feel out of love...
you feel the bond of friendship...
you feel hatred, sadness and betrayal all coming to you at once...
you smell the sweat off their bodies...
you taste the salt of sea water...
you smile...
you laugh...
then you tear...
not knowing if it's tears of joy or something unexplainable...
you look back at your own life,
only to realise it was a direct reflection of you.
盛夏光年, also known as 'eternal summer',
is one film that has somehow pulled my heartstrings,
and caused me to feel so much emotions all at once.
an emotion rush... no. more like an emotional tidal wave...
i felt like i was living the lives of the characters
and could relate to them totally.
no matter what i write,
there'll be no words that could decribe how i exactly feel,
or for that matter, how great the film is.
serously, no words can justify it's sheer beauty.
a few of my friends have expressed their thoughts and think otherwise.
it's subjective, but to me, its a powerful and beautiful film
and would go down as one of the best films i've ever watched.
i urge everyone, straight or gay, to watch it.
it will definitely move you.
the soundtrack is awesome.
五月天 never fail to impress us with their songs and lyrics.
ah shin (the front man of the band) is a genius.
盛夏光年 (the song named after the film) and 拥抱 (one of their older hits)
are so beautifully written and composed by them, you cannot NOT love these songs!
even 明白 and 纯真, the other 2 songs from the soundtrack are amazing as well.
if you guys know me well, you'll know that i dun listen to mandarin songs...
but the movie soundtrack is so awesome i was in fact frantically searching for
the album all over the net. i was deperate to get my hands on a copy of the soundtrack.
that said, do check it out!!! i'm glad to have a copy of the soundtrack now.
all thanks to fauz and jolina, so nice of them to get it for me.
you guys have no idea what it means to me!

::from left: bryant chang, kate yeung and joseph chang::
the actors, joseph chang, bryant chang and kate yeung,
played their roles exceptionally well.
go watch the film and you'll know what i mean.
there's a reason why bryant chang won 'best newcomer' in the golden horse awards,
and joseph chang got nominated for the same category and 'best supporting actor'.

::the oh-so-good looking joseph chang. i'm in love with him already. love kate yueng too!::
and i do have to say that joseph chang is extremely gorgeous.
he is the kind of guy i would die to date...
love his tan skin, love his hair, love his smile, love his chiseled good looks... *drool*
i think kate yeung is really pretty too.
love her too! she is one girl i wouldnt mind dating as well...
i wish i could play the part of Jonathan (bryant chang's character)...
then at least i'll be able to kiss both of them. *grin*
just wana include a verse taken from 五月天's 盛夏光年.
i love the meaning of the verse. it's something that i believe in,
and hope everyone feels the same.
"放弃规则 放纵去爱 放肆自己 放空未来 我不转弯"
i'm glad that i can read and write mandarin.
and yes, i'm glad that my mandarin is not half bad. :)
just lacking in the number of friends who would speak to me in mandarin.
someone... anyone... speak to me in mandarin!!!

::pic of the dvd::
and btw, i have the dvd of the movie.
they are already selling it in taiwan, so one of the chinese shops
actually imported the dvd to melbourne. jealous?!
i've watched it 4 times already.

::pic of me waiting for the tram::
of all days......
is it a joke life's playing on me?
i thought i would never see you again.
yet on one of those days when i'm at my lowest,
you appear right before me.
it's as though nothing had ever happened.
you may have been out of my life for as long as i can remember...
but you have always been in my heart...
i thought i no longer existed in your life.
i thought you had deleted me away... not once but twice...
but here you are, right before me.
so near, yet so far.
with a touch of a button, i could reach you.
but... could i really reach you?
would you hear me?
i stare at my screen in disbelief....
is this really you?
is this the same you that broke my heart into pieces?
is this the same you that left me stranded in my own sorrow?
is this the same you that couldn't see me the way i see you?
i stare at my screen in disarray....
how have you been?
are you happy and living your life?
are you any nearer to reaching your goals?
i do hope so.
there's so much i wana say to you.
yet i know very well some words are meant to be kept to myself.
if i've learnt anything this past year,
it would be that i've learned to accept things the way they are.
i just want you to know that i'll always pray for your happiness.
if you have ever worried about me,
dun worry, i'm doing better than i thought i would be.
i'm living my life now, though there's still lots to accomplish.
but i'm make my way there, somehow.
so... take care for now...
if i'm lucky, maybe i'll see you briefly again.
i was chatting with my mum on the phone the other day.
it seems that my mum and dad went to see some cars.
my mum hates sportcars...
however, there were 2 of them that she really love.
in fact, i recalled her using the word "gorgeous" to describe them.
2 seater convertible. i'll be using the word "fabulous!".
she said that i'll love one of them and wants me to go see it when i return.
and it seems they might get it for me if i get my licence!!!
my gawd! a sportscar! me driving a sportscar?! i like...
i still love the mini cooper and suzuki swift though.
but a sportscar would do just fine... :)
however... my parents are pretty frickle minded,
so by the time i get my licence,
they might get me another car... a car's still a car though.
so i'm fine with it, so long as it moves...
i love 2 seater cars. to me they're called "selfish cars".
so dun expect me to fetch you guys around in it.
(exceptions to my good friends of cos)
humour me.
no serious, give it a shot.
i find the lack of intellectual conversation depressing and oftenly annoying.
what has become of people?
singaporeans especially.
where are the puns?
where are the ironies?
where are the witty remarks?
where are the sacastic comments? (and i'm not talking about angry/insulting sacasism)
leave lame aside. i'm done with lame. lame is so 90s.
the most annoying thing is when i say something, humour intended,
people look back and say "huh?"
it's not that i'm speaking Hebrew.
people just aren't used to having intellectural conversations...
look, you dun need a PHD to be witty.
you dun even need big words.
just be creative. and matured.
no more, no more boring conversations.
it's such a turn off.
these are some pictures i took.
this entry's theme is 'ray of light'.

::love this pic a lot. took this pic during sun rise::

::this pic was taken at my balcony during sun rise::

::love the effects of the sun rays::

::a pic of a hand. wonder whose is it?::
i thought this pic is equally nice

::took this pic when i was waiting at the train station. love this pic::
other pics i took

::nina smiling to the camera while doing her work during design studio::

::jolina, michael and i at the gallery showcasing some awesome typograpgy artwork from the world over::

::me waiting at the foyer for ivan::

::fiona, eri, sam, jolina, sherly, christina, michelle and i went to the opening of a gallery::

::pic of the menu from the chinese restaurant::

::eri, sam and jolina::

::sherly, christina, michelle and fiona::

::this is henry. and i kissed henry many many times. isn't he adorable?!!::

::ivan hugging henry::

::as i said, it's never too early for a glass of beer :) ::