leaving on a jet plane... again!
back in Melb

::pic of my room ceiling back home in singapore. just feel that this pic represents how i feel and the situation that i'm in right now::
i'm a little late in updating this blog of mine.
was pretty busy the last few days before flying back to melbourne.
yup, i'm back in Melbourne.
3rd year, here i come!!!
well, i'm still pretty much in a holiday mood...
i'm already missing my late nights in singapore!!!
late night supper, late night movies, late night outings...
and late night mc donald's delivery!!!
i hope to do really well for this coming year.
i wana give my all and excel.
cant wait to be back in singapore for good.
cos i'm missing everyone already!

::my air ticket and the bar counter at the Raffles Silver Lounge::
i love travelling in style!
i'm fortunate to be able to travel on Raffles class aboard Sinagpore Airline.
just before boarding my flight,
was chilling at the Raffles Silver Lounge.
not all that fun though cos i was travelling alone.
but at least travelling back in comfort was more than i could ask for.

::me at the Raffles Silver Lounge. wat's the point if i'm here without the company of friends? this only proves that having money is nothing compared to having family and friends::
how's chinese new year for everyone?
how much have you guys collected from the red packets
you received over this festive season?
had a good time catching up with relatives?
for me, it's kind of a bittersweet ocassion.
chinese new year is a time for me to meet up
with my relatives, some of whom i get to
meet only once a year.
it's always nice catching up with them.
we have the yearly gambling and movie outings.
and yes, i do look forward to the red packets.
but once the celebration is over,
it''s time for me to pack my bags
and jet off to Melbourne... again.
i've been doing this for the past 2 years now,
and i'm glad this is my last year in Melbourne.
i will greatly miss everyone in singapore, family and friends.
i could say that this holiday has been one of the best times i had so far.
and i hope that the fun would never cease.

::pic taken at Chinatown after the chinese new year countdown::
during the eve of chinese new year,
fauz, suping and i went to Chinatown for the countdown.
we had a lot of fun there.
the fireworks, the fire crackers, the crowd...
after the countdown, we went over to the pasar malam
for some night shopping.
as expected, it was packed with people!
we could barely walk...
and could barely see the merchandises...
when we reached the crossroad,
we were caught up in the crowd for close to 10 minutes.
it was too congested.

::fireworks at the stroke of midnight::

::fauz and i waiting excitedly for the fireworks::

::suping and i after the firwork. very messy and dirty...::

::the crowd leaving the area after the countdown. the road was closed for the event::

::it's time for a smoke break by the road side::

::thai coconuts!!! they are so enjoying it::

::the three of us posing proudly with our coconuts! fauz can never stop sucking his coconut...::

::the crowd just never subsides! damn packed....::

::pic of Backstage at Chinatown::
after much squeeze and pushing,
we found refuge at Backstage,
a gay pub in the heart of Chinatown.
the last time i went there was many years back.
nothing has really changed since.
and i like it the way it is.
we smoked, drank beer, chatted, watched mtv channel,
taking photos while waiting for the crowd to subside.
Backstage is a nice place indeed.
and i'll definitely go back again when i'm back.
(and yes, i'm very aware of the kind of crowd the place attracts)
we decided to hit the streets again.
we bought food along the way,
bought some intricate and beautiful chinese paper cuts,
and bumped into a celebrity whom i seriously couldnt be bothered.
once we were done with Chinatown,
we made a quick stop to Bencoolen Street,
as suping wanted to visit the temple there.
and once that is done,
we headed over to my beloved Simpang Bedok for supper!
all in all, i had a lot of fun!

::my lovely Pussycat dolls' video playing on mtv channel at Backstage::

::view of Chinatown from the balcony of Backstage::

::the crazy crowd... and the pride flag as well :) ::

::the temple at Bencoolen Street::

::a cut out for my birthday. so sweet of your guys!!!
as some of you might know,
my birthday just passed.
it was a day before i left for Melbourne.
yeah, it was kind of a rush and i wished i had more time
to sink in and enjoy my birthday celebration.
but i guess i should count my blessings,
and be happy that at least, i was able to spend my birthday
with a bunch of really good friends and family. :)
i love you guys!
it was so unexpected.
it was touching.
it was so sweet of you guys.
a mini private surprise party was wat i need
before i embark on my last year in melbourne.
thanks you so much guys!
i would like to thank fauz and rain for planning it
behind my back. i seriously had absolutely no idea!
and yesh, thank you fauz for your home-made durian cake!
i cant believe it turned out so tasty!!! and the bag! i so love the bag!!!
i'm definitely gona use it for school!
thanks rain for the awesome cd and my precious Pussycat Dolls dvd!!! love it!
wana thank suping, najib, david, boshen and khairul
for being there and doing the videos! it was awesome!
wana thank jeremiah and jenn!!! it was so sweet of you guys!
wana thank gaz and idil for the gifts as well!
you guys didnt have to get me anything.
last but not least, all those who remembered my birthday
and sms or called me at midnight. thanks!!!

::me cutting the durian birthday cake that fauz made for me::

::fauz posing to the camera::

::najib posing like madonna... like a diva::
after the surprise party,
we head over to Tantric for some drinks
before heading over to St James.
St James was jam packed that night!
but it was fun!
met my dearest sham there, who has the same birthday as i do! :)
happy birthday to us!!!
all in all, i had a great birthday. :)
thanks again everyone!

::mass orgy?! er.... i'll pass...::

>St James was pack pack pack....::

::fauz and suping posing... not!::

::we are very bo liao...::

::the trio tryin to look cool... hey we are cool! haaa!::

::definitely a hell of a night! the trio resting outside St James::

::more pics?! my gawd... i damn shagged can... :) ::
i can feel a change in me.
somehow, somewhere, inside me,
i can feel some form of growth.
there's a whole new me forming inside me.
like an alter ego, like a twin, like a reflection...
yet when i look into the mirror,
i still see the same me...
i cant tell a difference.
not even the slightest of it.
i touch my face, brush my hair, bite my lips...
i place my wet hand on the mirror,
and stare right back at me.
i feel i'm still me but then...
i'm not sure how to describe it.
but i can just feel it.
i'm not sure if it's good or bad.
but i can just feel it happening.
i see a grin in the mirror.
i can feel it.
i noticed that, besides the usual perverted old men,
i tend to attract guys who are shorter than me and are smokers.
and i noticed that somehow, besides the usual asshole jerks,
i tend to fall for guys who are smokers and have a way with words.
but what i really like in a guy?
and then the usual loving, honest, sweet and funny.
but for now, it'll just be me, me and me.
and of course my family and friends. :)

::fauz playing with his fan he got from a wedding earlier on in the day::
shopping at Mustafa Centre at 2am can be really enjoyable!
went there with fauz and suping.
had so much fun going through the perfume section, dvds section,
watches section and of cos... FOOD SECTION!!!
we bought food and once everything has been paid for,
headed over to fauz's place for supper and a Heroes marathon.
all thanks to fauz for cooking for us. :)

::fauz and suping walking thru the food section::

::yesh yesh fauz... very sexy indeed::

::let's shop!::

::we are just taking our time browsing through everything::

::fauz and suping just cant decide wat to get::

>fauz and i at Arab Street smoking sheesha::
went for another session of sheesha along Arab Street.
fauz, najib and david were there.
the service was awfully terrible though.
but all in all, it was still fun. :)

::david and najib chilling::

::pic of fauz::

::fauz and i posing for the camera!::

::khairul and i chilling
"it takes 4 hands to clap."
"infinity plus 1."
"one one!'
it may not make any sense to others,
but it definitely makes clear sense to you.
you'll always have a very special place in my heart.
hold on to your promises as i'll be holding on to mine.
take excellent care of yourself cos you mean the world to me.
this 'spongy' here says "all good things doesnt have to come to an end."
other things i did since the last entry

::went to watch Babel with fauz and suping::

::went to Simpang Bedok after the movie. did you know that the shop wa playing American Pie 3 on the plama screen?! it was weird becos they were showing topless girls in public. ::

::suping kena snap shot again at Simpang Bedok::

::can you guess who's feet do they belong to? no prize for guessing it right though... anyway, they belong to sabrina, suping and fauz. we were at City Hall smoking...::

::rain in the foreground and fauz at the backgroud smoking. we were chilling at mc donald's after our movie. we watched Dreamgirls. damn nice!!! anyway, it was fun that night!::

::more pics taken that night with rain and fauz::

::rain getting her hair cut by my hair stylist, faye::

::khairul posing with his little cute figurine. both rain and khairul were teasing behind me while i was getting my hair cut... even my hairstylist, faye was laughing... ::

::faye and i. gona miss ya girl!::

::idil dropped by Tanah Merah to pass me my birthday present. vanessa came by as well. thanks guys for taking time off. and idil, i appreciate the gift ya. it doesnt matter what you get for me. it's the thought that counts. and i'm saying this to everyone too.::
other pics i think are worth posting
these pics were taken with my Sony Ericsson K800i. it's really a fantastic camera phone! i like!
::took this pic during the countdown celebration at CHinatown. this pic shows the stage. i really like this pic a lot::

::took this pic just outside my house early in the morning. love the colours::

::one of my favourite pics.this pic shows my mum's flowers growing in her garden. took it during the morning of the second day of chinese new year::

::pic of my dad's car. also took this during the second day of chinese new year::

::was experimenting with my K800i. pic of Singapore's CBD::

::this pic was taken at my playground during sunset::

::chinese new year decorations at Marina Square::

::pic of me packing my stuff and moving over to my new apartment. i look damn tired. xianli and i spent about 6 hours moving our things over to the new apartment...::
i wana take this time to thank everyone who made my year end holiday a blast.
it wouldnt be so much fun without you guys!!!
thanks for everything! you made 2006 such a great and fun year for me.
thanks for everything in malaysia as well! i had so much fun!
i love you so much and you'll always have a special place in my heart!
thanks for being there for me all the time.
you are my soulmate and i cannot live without you.
thanks for bearing with my tantrums.
i know how hard it is to cater to a little prince like me.
i'll miss you so much!
you are my best friend and i wana say thank you for
everything that you've done for me for these past 9 years...
damn... we are growing old... haa!
take care alright. will miss you terribly!
cant wait to hang out with you again when i get back.
thanks for being so patience with me.
you are a great friend. thanks for always looking out for me.
you really know how to take care of me.
thanks for the cake and the present as well!!!
you are always so sweet and kind.
it's always so much fun hanging with you .
take care of yourself ya. i know you are strong.
dun ever let anyone put you down ya.
thanks for your gifts as well :)
knowing you for 9 years, you have become a brother to me.
you are always silent but i know that you are always on a look out for me.
thanks for everything. gona miss you!
it was so much fun hanging out with you!
all our crazy antics...
gona miss your company! thanks for everything as well!
see ya when i get back ya!
thanks for the message!
i repect what you are doing and
continue to serve God and society with passion.
take care and will see you when i get back.
it was so fun and enjoyable hanging out with you.
thanks for all that you've done for me.
no words could describe how i feel.
take care and i cant wait to go back and see you!
"one one"!!!
say hi to "Q" for me!
take care of yourself ya.
be yourself and stay strong always.
wana thank you for everything.
will catch up with you when i get back ya!
keep in touch!
hey hey my friend!
pls pls pls take care of yourself.
just so you know, it does worry me a lot
when you are not in the best of health.
and yeah, i'll miss you very much!
see ya when i get back!
so sorry i couldn't meet ya this time round.
i really really wanted to!!! you can ask fauz!!!
i was planning something but i had no time....
so sorry...
i'll make it up to you when i get back ok!
dinner's on me!!! for sure!
be a good boy ya! haa!
i'm glad that i could be of a listening ear to you.
thanks for being a great friend.
take care of yourself.
life is full of ups and downs, but you'll learn
to see the bright side of life. :)
and to the rest of my friends whom i have not mention,
thanks a million! :)