love you guys

::love this snapshot pic of lipei and jeremy. took it while we were at CAFE NORTTUNO along LYGON STREET. FYI, none of them were posing for this pic.. even the girl in the background staring back at me while i was taking this::
the last week of this semester,
the last week of 2nd year in uni,
the last week.... is finally here.
time sure flies and i cant believe 2nd year is almost over.
due dates for my final assignment are fast drawing near,
and i'm working my ass off.
i wasnt intending on doing any updates till
i'm done with my semester.
but i thought i'll just upload a tiny intermission in between.
cos i just wana say this to lipei and jeremy:
i really enjoy your company!
it's really fun hanging out with you guys!
i enjoy every moment we have at Cafe Norttuno on friday nights.
i enjoy the jokes we crack, the ghost stories we tell at night,
our fond memories we share with each other,
words of wisdom we preach to one another etc.
these few weeks may be hectic and crazy for me.
but at least you guys make it more bearable and so much more enjoyable.
love you guys, i really do. :)
next entry would be a proper entry.
look out for the little adventure lipei and i embarked while searching
for krispy kreme, with video.
more art work i did for my assignments.
and other personal stuff.
and of cos more pics!
p.s. hey rain, adapting to Singapore yet?
p.p.s. yo fauzi, hope PVC is going along smoothly for you guys.