the lives of lipei and dylan
the term break has arrived

::a candid-kinda shot of lipei and i. i love this pic a lot becos both of us were goofing ard and we look really natural in this pic::
it's funny how they call it mid semester break
when in actually fact, the semester's almost over...
it should be re-named 3/4 semester break...
what's in store for the week?
but all's not dampened.
at least i've more or less got everything in control,
so hopefully i'll have a rather relaxing week.
it's been a while since i last uploaded an entry.
assignments have been keepin me busy.
but i'm glad i'm done with the 1500 words essay.
(gawd... was that hell!...)

::a beautiful polaroid of the rides at the royal melbourne show. i love this pic a lot::

::a polaroid taken at the royal melbourne show. lipei loves this pic::
on wednesday(27sept),
lipei and i went to the royal melbourne show!!!
wat can i say?
it was so much fun!
i remember last year, jen and xianli went together with us.
but though this time round they couldnt make it,
lipei and i did have a lot of fun.
i think the pictures speak for itself.
and for the first time, i'm adding a video in my blog entry,
cos i think this video kinda sums up wat lipei and i feel.
carefree, exhilarated, bliss.
and i must add that i really love ALL the pics that i took
during the royal melbourne show.
the pictures really show how beautiful that day was.
i just wish everyone could experience wat we had experienced...

::lipei and i on the train on the way to the royal melbourne show::

::pic of me and my giant homer simpson soft toy i won!::

::lipei and her jester hat. kawaii!::

::a great shot of lipei on one of the rides::

::me on one of the rides::
first ever video on my blog!!!!!
::the video quality is not as good and smooth as the original video::
the next few shots were taken at different times of the day at the royal melbourne show.
love them all

::all pics taken with my V3i, fabulous camera phone!::
a couple of weeks back,
lipei and i went to BRUNSWICK STREET,
which btw is our fav place to chill,
and i took that opportunity to take a
few pics of her with my trusty mobile phone.

::pic of lipei::

::pic of lipei::
i dun think any words could describe
how wonderful and relaxing and beautiful
it's not the usual ORCHARD ROAD
city-ish kinda shopping area.
rather, it's laid back, with fantastic cafes
and pubs and bookshops and weird shops etc.
it's really a pity singapore doesnt have a place like this.
and it's even more pitiful that most
asians here in melbourne would rather
be in the city than explore areas like
you have got to be here to fully appreciate it.
and trust me, when you do,
you'll never look back. (or even leave the place)
i'll definitely miss this place when i go home.

::lipei and i drawing at st jeromes::
lipei and i did some form of a collaboration.
it's our first, and a good one i must add. :)
we were at JEROMES, as usual, drinking our long blacks.
lipei dished out a flyer, flipped it to the back,
and started doodling with my pen.
a few minutes later, i joined in.
initailly we had absolutely no idea what we were
drawing. but as we continued, we realised it looked
like some form of a human figure.
we decided to name it.
both of us love the out come of it.

::lipei drew the blue parts. i drew the black parts::

::the promotional flyer for Genevieve Gauckler's exhibition::
i was fortunate enough to attend the
opening of Genevieve Gauckler exhibition here
in melbourne!!! i love her works!
and i couldnt believe she's having her exhibition here!!!
any graphic designer or artist would and should know
about her works.
her works has appeared in many many design publications.
and i'm really happy to attend her exhibition!
lipei and i also had free beer that night since
it was the artisit's reception! sweeetttt!!! :)

::lipei and i at the reception of Genevieve Gauckler's exhibition::

::one of Genevieve Gauckler's works::

::more pics taken at Genevieve Gauckler's exhibition::

::promotional flyer of REKA's 100K exhibition::
i also went to REKA's (Melbourne's famous graffiti artist) 100K exhibition
with lipei and boon ho.
it was held at the ever-so-cool BUS GALLERY.
Reka's works are amazing!
all his artwork in this gallery are hand drawn.
and it only further inspires me to have my own exhibition.
these pictures dun really justify the sheer beauty
of his artwork.

::lipei and i at REKA's 100K exhibition::

::pic of one of REKA's art works::

::more pics taken at REKA's exhibtion::
i'm forturnate to be able to study in melbourne
and be exposed to many designers and artists whom
i would never have known if i had studied in singapore.
they have inspired me one way or another.
people can say whatever they wana say about you.
and let's face it,
people will have different opinions about you.
some may be harsh, others may be plain nonsense.
what matters most is if you are happy and
comfortable about yourself.
the other day, you asked me what i'll say...
well, this is what i have to say:
you are someone i have been searching my whole life.
a friend i can finally open up to.
a friend who understands me and
accepts me for who i am.
absolutely no judgement.
absolutely genuine.
absolutely there for me all the time.
i could never ask for more.
if i was put in a situation to have only one friend,
i would choose you over millions.
your sheer blurness is overwhelming but entertaining.
your talent in music fills my heart with songs of joy.
your beautiful illustrations reeks emotions
and never fails to inspire me one way or another.
your poems speak from your heart, taking me
to a place of self discovery and self-reflection.
change is inevitable.
people change.
i changed.
and so will you.
but one thing that wont change would be the
friendship i have for you, and i hope
you'll feel the same way too.

this is wat i did for my NOISE assignment for
my digital imaging.

::the colours in this pic is not as nice as the original piece::
the brief told us to do all sorts of experimentation.
i chose to use a pic of lipei becos when i think of
music and noise, i think of her.
so i guess it's only natural to use her pic.
and of cos at the same time,
i wanted to design something for her,
since she means the world to me.
(see... like i said, if you treat me nice,
i'll design something for you)
and i got a distinction for this assignment! sweet!

fashion-guru dylan speaks his mind
vintage is all the rage.
but are you sure your so-called vintage dress
or bag is really vintage?
think again...
so what is vintage?
many rookie vintage lovers have been coaxed into buying
a "vintage looking' top that is actually from a 1996's collection
and has been left on the washing line for so long it
merely appears vintage, OR a dress made last week
from a vintage pattern. neither of these are vintage.
REMEMBER, just becos the cutting and style looks vintage
doesnt make it vintage at all.
vintage clothing is anything that is more than 25 years old.
retro clothing dates from the late 70's and 80's
and anything newer than that is just SECOND HAND.
so make sure you check the label or the shop owner
before flaunting your faux vintage clothing.
how mortifying would that be?
another note, vintage doesnt have to be expensive. :)
so long as it looks good on you, you're good to go.

::i love these bags. i especially love the vintage all-documents bag at the bottom of the collage::
accessories are in.
and with the right ones, you'll be the center of attention.
splash yourself with delicate shapes and silhouettes accessories.
designers like dapple-grey, tatty devine, love and philippa
are a must-have for all you girls and guys!
it works wonders with guys wearing plain v-neck t-shirts!
and while you're at it,
dun forget the ever-so-cute brooches as well!
they are colourful, adorable and adds charm
instantly to your dull personality. :)
(pls dun tell my dad about my expenses...)

::these badges were bought at order and progress... and they dun come cheap!!! AUS$16 each!!!::
better yet, make them yourself!!!
it's fun, satisfying and yes, it definitely
makes your normal polo shirt stands out from the rest.
it also hides the brand of your cheap polo shirt. :)
now that's sweeeett!

::this is a brooch i made with beads. it's so cute, a few of my frens have asked me to sell them::
guys, i cannot help but stress that
scoop-necks and v-necks tshirts(the low kind) are the way to go.
they are casual, yet sohisticated and versatile,
not to mention cheap.
they definitely never go out of style.
so stock them up!
but of cos, a good physique is required at times.
(that's why i'm pumping hard in the gym...)

for colours, i recommend guys to go for
pale yellow, poison-ivy green, maroonish purple
and light blue.
as for girls, go for one piece doll dresses!
they are fun and definitely different from the usual
"oh-my-gawd-plastic girls" dresses.
they are casual, chic, cute and perfect for a girl's night out.
try something different. you'll love it.
poka dots doll dresses should be in your next buy!
in the next fashion entry,
-what kind of jeans should guys go for
-polo shirts: still going strong?
-dylan's take on skin care.
-and other fashion do's and dont's for girls and guys.
my gawd... i cant believe i'm writing these kinda stuff...
must be "the devil wears prada" movie.....
but then again, i stand by wat i typed...
then learn to roll your own ciggies, spoilt brats!

::this is how you roll your ciggies. yup lipei, you got it right :) ::

::took this pic of lipei while we were practicing for our performance::
btw, lipei and i would be taking part in a singing competition.
hey, i know wat you guys are thinking ok!
lipei's a fantastic guitar player and singer, that is without a doubt.
as for me, well... you have got to listen to judge.
but i believe with the practices i had, i sound much better.
we are in for the money.
$300 for first prize and $150 for second!
wish us the very best!!!
it's on the 6th of oct. hee~
hey rain,
i received your postcard!!!
thanks a lot!!!
looking at the postcard only makes me wana catch
the next flight to San Francisco.
i really hope you enjoyed your trip to the states.
and i cant wait to hang with you when i get back to singapore.
thanks again for the postcard!!!
i really appreciate it! :)
and i miss you lots!!!!
happy birthday again!
it sure feels old being 23 eh?
that's why i'm re-celebrating my 21st birthday next year. haa!
pretty dated pics, but still deserve it's rightful place in this entry.

::my hairstylist, faye. she wanted to give me a free haircut and highlights becos she wanted me to model for her... too bad i had to go back to melbourne the next day.. argh!!!::

::fauzi, lipei and i at beach road::

::najib and i at the airport::
finally, a shout out to fauzi, jenn, gabbie, grace, steph, gib, boshen, kenny and clement (lucky you, get to go for your overseas exchange thingy for half a year).
you guys got miss me not? haa.
take care guys.
this sure is a huge entry...
i still have loads of pics to upload....
but i hafta settle with this first,
cos many have been pushing me to update....
At 2:57 AM,
deelearn said…
hey jenn,
yeah i'm definitely making the most of my stay here.
instead of being busy falling in love, i now have more time to appreciate other finer things in life.
i also wana thank you for all your kind words!
and yes as much as i wana treasure my friendship with lipei, i also wana keep our friendship going strong as well. :)
so a big hugz back!
take care, and yeah, will take more pics with you when i get back. :)
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Haa, enjoy life now before you got caged up in the working life. I'm enjoying mine as well!~ :D Take care wor~
At 1:51 PM,
deelearn said…
hey hey,
yeah i agree with wat you say, and i'm trying to enjoy as much as i can.
great that you are having fun too.
cant wait to hang with you when i get back.
take care ya!
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