i'm a design student!!!
big smilez and hugz!

::jolina, terrance and i during lesson. big smiles!!!::

::ree and i at MAG NATION. big hugz!!!::
school's started and i'm well into my fourth week already.
i seriously cant believe how fast these 3 weeks
have past me by without any realization...
but so far, school's been good.
i have wednesdays and fridays off,
giving me loads of time to catch up with work
and to replenish any lost sleep.
it's also nice to see everyone back in school.
love their company.
love their crappy comments.
just love them.
but i'm freaking out on my theory unit...
i have essays to write!!!! ahhh!!!!
i'm a design student! i should be
exempted from writting essays!!!
i just handed in my 500 words essay...
the topic is abt critcal issues influencing design,
like propaganda, environment, ethics etc... not easy....
and yesh... i know most of you would be
saying that anything less than 500 words is not
considered an essay....
i'm a design student!
however, i'm really excited with this book
that i have to design for my graphic design studio.
yup, a real book!!!
perfect binding and all!
very very exciting!!!
it's a collaboration between a New Zealand Uni.
our works would be exhibited and there'll
be media coverage too.
so far, my progress with this book is going really well,
and i'm really proud with the results so far.
i'm designing some sort of a graphic story book,
with roughly about 34 pages.
so there'll be loads of illustrations and
not to meantion, a twist in the story as well. :)
the story's abt 'conscience', revolving ard 2 girls...
or is it 1 girl with 2 different scenerios?
well, it's up to the readers to decide.
and there'll be no text.
this is so becos this is graphic design,
it's important that i'm able to use illustrations
to convey my story/message.
it also gives room for readers to ponder
and interpret the story to their liking.
it's hard work, but i hope it pays off.

::me in front of the NGV, attending the Picasso: Love&War exhibition with lipei::
the National Gallery of Victoria(NGV)
is show casing Picasso's paintings!
the exhibition is called Picasso: Love & War 1935-1945.
it explores the personal and artistic relationship between
Pablo Picasso and his lover and muse of those years, Dora Maar.
over 300 works are displayed.
Picasso's and Dora Maar's intimate involvement started shortly
before the outbreak of the Spanish civil war in 1936 and lasted
through the turbulent years of the second world war.
Dora Maar was a talented photographer and was at the
centre of the Parisian avant-garde. the two lovers inspired
one another intellectually and artistically throughout
their time together.
and this exhibition is the end result of it all.

::lipei and i trying our best to get the both us in the frame, wif the picasso wordings behind us. hee~ not very good eh... ::

::i think this is the best of the lot. :) ::
i finally bought Coheed and Cambria's
Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV:
volume one from fear through the eyes of madness.
(the title is freaking long...)
love them to the max!
check out their cd sleeves as well, given the chance...
i also bought Evermore's Dreams.
their new album's already out, but i decided
to get their previous album first becos i dun haf it.
hmmm... and... i also bought the O.C. mix 4 cd.
damn nice. but i really wana get O.C. mix 2...
someone pls get it for me....
the melbourne film festival is now on.
lipei and i would be watching 2 movies.
one's a chinese film called 'three times',
and the other is a japanese movie titled 'big bang love'.
we were hoping to catch keanu reeves' latest
movie Scanner Darkly, but it's sold out...
overwhelming respond... argh...
pictures taken in singapore.
these are just some more pics i took while
i was back home in sinagpore during my winter holiday.
there are still more to upload... but i'll just upload
these for now. :)

::boshen, gibson, stephanie and i at NYDC::
stephanie, gibson, boshen and i went out for dinner
at NYDC. it was a blast! so much laughter, so much fun!
and stephanie's the joker, as always,
ever since secondary school. hee~ :)

::a 'kawaii' pose you will not see me doing very often... my gawd... cant believe i did it... count yourself lucky if i ever pose like this wif you... comments on polaroid written by stephanie::

::a candid shot... was trying to grab my polaroid camera from boshen when he pressed the shutter. comments on polaroid written by stephanie.::
it was great catching up with them.
i think the pics says it all.
and yesh stephanie, continue being KAWAII as always!
hope your "mandarin" lessons are paying off. haa~ :)

::jenn, gibson, ah bee and i outside C.A.N. cafe::
i met up with jenn, gibson and ah bee for dinner.
we went to fish and co. which was really fun, and
then headed over to C.A.N. cafe for drinks and
a few rounds of tai di!
a great night out indeed and i really enjoyed myself.
thanks guys for meeting up.

::me sticking out my tongue while watching the world cup at SIMPANG BEDOK.pic taken by fauz::
when i was back in singapore, it was soccer fever!
i love the world cup!!!
though of cos the teams i was supporting
didnt win... i still love them, and will continue
to cheer on for them.
i tried my best to catch most of the matches.
my dad was up all night watching every single match,
and i'm happy my mum subscribe for the soccer channel.
however, even though i could watch it at the comfort of my home,
i chose to watch most of the matches outside my place at the infamous
SIMPANG BEDOK. it makes a lot of difference when there's
a crowd cheering on.
screams of "goal",
sighs of dismay,
the clapping of hands,
good food...
i love the world cup!
and i hate a certain team...

::pic taken at SIMPANG BEDOK while watching world cup::

::sham and i at CHANGI GENERAL HOSPITAL. i was there to visit him. he's alright now. this pic was taken quite some time back::

::fauz and i in the... toilet at PLAZA SING. dun ask why we even took this picture in the toilet::

::kai and i with Ronald Mcdonald::

::pic of mum and i. do i look like my mum? love her::
family dinners are a must when i go back to singapore.
these pictures were taken during the farewell dinner for me.
my uncles and aunties and cousins were all there.
apparently one of my cousins brought his girlfren along...
and his brother just got attached and showed everyone
his new girlfren's picture... bleth...
everyone must be thinking why i have never had a girlfren before...
then again... i think they are pretty tired asking me that...
cos the answer would always be, "i just dun have lor..." (-_-)"
get the hint my dear uncles and aunties!

::my bro, charlotte and i::

::er... fauz was supposed to be in the pic... apparently i accidentally cut him off while taking the pic... opps... not intentional ok... hee~ ::

::ok... now fauz's in the pic. pic taken by fauz::
with 2 submissions in a few days time, i'm hoping by then
i'll have enough time to upload more pics...
i know this entry came a little late...
blame it on the 500 words essay i had to write....
it took me a long time to get it done....
i'm a design student!!!
At 4:10 PM,
Mohd Hisham said…
!!!! i look sho ugly in my hospital attire, and my unshaven unkempt look!
sooo unglamorous lor ... can u like photoshop it a bit and put some feathered boas ard your neck to hide that unsightly stubble!!!
thanks for posting that up. now i finally know how i look like in hospital! lol
At 10:31 PM,
deelearn said…
hey jenn,
well the picasso exhibition was really enjoyable.
glad that i went. and to me, it's unbelievable that i'm actually viewing his real works. i'm not sure if i'll have that opportunity back home in singapore.
thanks for your kind words, concern and all.
it's always a pleasure to hear from you! :)
you take care too ok.
hugz a million!
At 10:38 PM,
deelearn said…
hey hey sham!
you dun look ugly or unglam in hospital attire.
if it's me in your position, i would have looked worse! there's a reason why i take forever to get ready... it takes a lot of grooming for me to face the world. :)
you look cute as always. so dun worry abt it. ;)
anyway, hope you are doing fine.
take care ok.
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