lights, camera, film.... smiles... action!

::me with my supersampler::
i had 2 submissions this week.
but it wasnt all that hectic as i
had planned everything beforehand
so as to avoid panicking last minute.
i'm horrbile working under pressure.

::pics of my connect book. clockwise: the packaging;
the front; the inside; the back::
this book is dedicated to my dearest lipei and fauz.
the dedication page have the names of both of you. :)
hope you guys like the book. :)

::this pic of the cheese cake shop was taken while i was on the tram. i love the colours of this pic::
while i was at GLENHUNTLY getting my book perfect binded,
i took the opportunity to snap a few shots around the area.
i rarely visit the suburbs.
it's a nice change of pace from the city.
but still, i could never live in the suburbs.
too quiet, too peaceful...

::pic of the railway at GLENHUNTLY::

::more pics taken at GLENHUNTLY::

::took this pic of the city when i came back from GLENHUNTLY. nice weather that day::

::group of old ladies performing tap dancing at FEDERATION SQUARE::

::lipei and i inside the FORUM THEATER. i love the interior inside::

::i dun think this pic justifies how crowded the theater really was. it was extremely packed!::
went to watch 2 movies at the MELBOURNE FILM FESTIVAL.
the first movie lipei and i watched is called
THREE TIMES(taiwan).

::this scene shows the third story set in present time::

::this scene shows the second story set in 1911::
it tells 3 love stories set in different eras.
the film opens in 1966 with a delicate romance about
a pool-hall hostess, May and the young army conscript.
May's counterpart in the second story, set in 1911,
is a courtesan who llives and works in a brothel and could
not be more tethered to her histortical moment.
in the third story, set in the present,
a musician casually begins an affair with a photographer,
leaving her female lover alone in her bed.
directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien, it stars Shu Qi and Chang Chen.
a beautifully shot film indeed.
the audience in the cinema clapped when the show ended.
i personally love the second story.

the second movie we watched is called BIG BANG LOVE: JUVENILE A.
it's abt jun who leads an isolated life working in a gay bar
but after being brutalised by a customer who picks him up,
jun goes into a frenzy and kills him. this single violent act leads
jun to a prison where he meets kazuki, an equally violent
young man who takes him under his wing before another
brutal murder changes everything.
the storyline is average, but many scenes were pointless
and too many metaphoric references strayed the film away
rather than enhance the experience of it.
the only good thing abt the movie is the
gorgeous guy in it... Ando Masanobu! *drool*
he's also in Battle Royale...

::pic of Ando Masanobu... my gawd... he's so good looking!::

::another pic of his... argh... he's so gorgeous....!::

::pics of my supersampler::
i finally bought myself a LOMO SUPERSAMPLER!!!
i have waited for 4 years...
now that i have it...
lomo on!
i kinda miss my LC-A and Holga...
(not my action sampler... i hate that camera)
will try to experiment with my supersampler.
might try cross-processing like wat i did with my LC-A.
i heart melbourne!
solely for one reason... and that is...
ok.. that seems more than 1 reason...
-i bought 2 complete seasons of ALLY MCBEAL
for just $39 each season.
-SIN CITY at $15. you cant get the dvd in singapore.
-ALIAS 4 seasons dvd box set for just $120.
that means each season cost $30.
singapore is selling EACH seaon for $90
-X-files $26 each season
-DAWSON's CREEK $30 per season
-THAT 70's SHOW $39 each season.
-SCRUBS each season for $28 only!!!
singapore selling it for $80 each season
recent movies not sold in singapore:
-wolf creek
-brokeback mountain
-mysterious skin
and a whole lot more...
more pics taken in singapore

::sabrina strutting down the stage::
sabrina was one of the finalists for this
so to show our support, we were at zouk to cheer her on.
the night was fun!!!
the drag queen host was extremely funny.
but it did feel a little weird to be surrounded by so many
girls... where are the guys?!
but i had a blast that night.
aya, whom i must say is gorgeous and friendly,
is this year's FEM QUEST winner.
after the whole event, we stayed on and danced the night away.
we had a great night!!! really enjoyed myself!

::the girls on stage::

::sabrina among the girls::

::fauz and i outside ZOUK::

::najib, fauz and i inside ZOUK::

::denise keller and i after the event::

::everyone there supporting sabrina::

::fauz and denise keller. rebecca tan is just behind him::

::lipei, fauz and i. lipei's wearing her fake spectacles.... it's ornamental....::
and to make my winter holiday sweeter than it already was,
my dearest lipei made her way to singapore all the
with her around, nothing would be dull!!!

::LOVE ME BUTCH performing at BAYBEATS::

::FURNITURE performing at BAYBEATS::
we went to watch LOVE ME BUTCH perform
at this year's BAYBEATS, which was held at the ESPLANADE.
we also watched FURNITURE performed the following day.
though it was just a three days stay, we did
try to make full use of it.
brought her to LAU PASAR to makan.
i looovveee the food there!
also brought her to BUGIS and ORCHARD.
would have love to bring her to SENTOSA and
swim in the sea, but due to time constraint,
it was near impossible.
oh... and we also clubbed at HAPPY!
haa, it's her first time at an alternative club.
and yeah, we enjoyed ourselves!
my God bro izad was there too.
hey lips, do visit singapore again ya, cos there's
still a whole lot more of singapore for you to discover.
and i'll definitely make a trip to TAIPING year end. :)

::lipei, fauz and i at fauz place, getting ready to party::

::lipei, fauz and i trying to get all of us in the frame...::

::fauz and lipei at HAPPY dancing the night away!::
the pics in this entry were being edited using IMAGEREADY,
and i will probably be using this program in future entries
instead of PHOTOSHOP.
that way, each image size would be considerably smaller,
thus ensuring a faster upload of my blog.
lastly, i think there is a high chance that i wont
be going back to singapore as early as i had planned.
i was hoping to be back by 4th of nov,
since all my submissions should be on the 30th of oct.
however, i may push my return date to the 20th of nov.
pretty late huh?
on the 19th of nov,
U2 is performing here in melbourne!!!!
U2!!! currently the greatest band alive!
i looovvve U2! so it's very likely that i'll be staying
to watch them perform.
ANOTHER REASON is that on the same day,
it's lipei's birthday!!!!!!
it'll be nice to celebrate her birthday, and then go
watch U2 perform together. :)
hopefully fauz can join us. the more the merrier.
anyway, i've been thinking about it,
there isnt any particular person waiting desperately
for my return. so really, there isnt a need to hurry
back home. and since it'll be lipei's last
year in melbourne, all the more i should stay
just a little longer in melbourne.
At 10:11 AM,
deelearn said…
hey hey jenn!
you'll never sound like an auntie lah.
you can try editing the photo, and if you do, show it to me. hee! :)
At 12:31 AM,
Gabrielle said…
update update update update update update update update update update update update update update .... :P
At 10:51 PM,
deelearn said…
yeah i will. hee~
half way done. still filtering pics and stuff.
guess it's gona be another long entry. (-_-)"
but thanks for dropping by!
appreciate it so very-the-much!
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